𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. ━ BONDING

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( M A L )

My eyes wildly looked anywhere in the room, trying to divert evie's suspicions from me.

"Oh look evie, your dress! It's burning!" I exclaimed in shock and being the diva the girl in front of me that she so is, she completely went ballistic and began to freak out, her eyes darting everywhere on the room to look for her precious dress.

And during that time, she didn't notice me slip out of the room and into the silent hallway. I sighed out of relief then closed the door with an inaudible 'click'.

I shoved my hands on my pockets as i walked on the hall, eyes darting everywhere like some kind of paranoid freak.

Just as i was about to walk down the steps of the stairs to the lobby, a hand grasped my shoulder, making me alarmed. By instict, i grabbed that person's arm then flipped them over my shoulder, and onto the very bottom of the stairs, which didn't seem quite life risking.

And when i saw the face of the person, i immediately bolted off below, by sliding on the railing then jumped at the last moment, enabling me to land with a slight 'thud'. I looked behind me that he was now about to get up, making me dash off, moving out of sight when i turned a corner.

"Hey, come back here! I just want to talk!" he yelled behind me as i went out the double doors of the main entrance, the statue of king beast greeting me once outside. I frantically searched for some place to hide but when i heard his voice yelling near the exit, i just jumped behind a random pile of bushes then kept silent there, while holding my breath.

I heard the doors open loudly then heavy footsteps began heading to my way, until they stopped.

Right. Freakin'. In Front. Of. Me.

I kept my body low on the ground even further, as i heard rustling. Then the next thing i knew, i was being pulled by my arm to stand up at my feet. My eyes clashing with deep brown orbs that have been chasing me since earlier ago. He was breathing quite heavily, with small beads of sweat rolling down the side of his even jaw, that made me gulp down the nerves that have began to build up.

"Caught you." He grinned at me then proceeded to place me over his shoulder then once again began running like a mad man back to the field where it all started.

You see.. It happened quite suddenly..

( A W H I L E A G O )

1.1 | 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘. ❨ DESCENDANTS ❩Where stories live. Discover now