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The car continued to drove for what seemed like hours to me as jay and carlos fought over the things inside the vehicle.

I leaned back on my seat, feeling the leather on my back as i looked over at evie then i saw her applying lip gloss at her lips with her finger as she puckered them making me roll my eyes.

Then i looked over at mal and saw that she was just looking out the window with bored eyes as she chewed on her gum.

I released a heavy sigh of boredom then i felt the car stop moving. I sat up slightly straighter then scratched the back of my neck as evie squealed excitedly making me wanna put ear plugs on my ears.

"We're here! We're actually here!" She whispered-shouted excitedly as the door opened then carlos and jay stepped out first revealing them outside to be fighting over..

A towel.

Kill. Me. Now.

Why are they my friends again?

Evie flipped a lock of her blue hair over her shoulder before stepping out gracefully like a ballerina which i rolled my eyes to,again. Mal sighed before also stepping out with her hands inside her pockets with a very bored expression.

Then at last, i set my foot down the ground of the kingdom of auradon and was greeting by a huge building with a statue of king beast at the front. I fully stepped out and finally concluded that this was the school we'll be staying at.

I felt the urge to puke just by looking at it.. Too much.. Color.. Ugh.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked in front of me then saw a young looking woman with a ridiculous looking purplish bow at the front of her outfit making me internally cringe.

Even my mom had better fashion sense. And that's saying something because her fashion sense is horrible. And sadistic.

"I'm Fairy God Mother, Head Mistress." She introduced herself with a slight curtsy making me and mal also curtsy, quite awkwardly may i add then mal spoke. "T-The Fairy God Mother? As in.. Bibty-bopty-boo?"

"Bibty-bopty, you know it." She smiled at us warmly while i smiled a forced one.

"Yeah.. You know.. I always wondered.. What it felt like for cinderella.. When she appeared with that sparkly wand.. Warm smile.. Sparkly wand." She emphasized on the last thing she said as she clasped her hands together with a fake grin.

I must say, she is an excellent actress. (A/N: FOURTH WALL IS BROKEN.)

I zoned out on the rest of the conversation until The prince, Ben went to each one of us to shake our hands.

He first went to jay but instead of shaking his hand, jay punched his chest instead making him cough out loudly. "It is so nice to finally meet you all."

Next, he shook hands with mal quickly because mal instantly pulled away her hand then wiped it on her pants. "This is a momentous day for auradon.."

He then shook hands with me then our eyes locked together. His warm brown eyes looking deep into my cold and empty black ones. I immediately broke our gazes from each other then pulled my hand away. I coughed uncomfortably snapping him out of his daze.

"The day our two kingdoms will unite and i hope to go down in the history of.. Chocolate?" He shook hands with carlos, who had chocolate coating his fingers which he licked off when Ben moved on to shake evie's hand.

"Or the day you show five people where the bathrooms are." Mal sassily said as i popped my fingers one by one beside her. "A little over the top?" Ben asked making me look up and i saw that he was looking directly to me. I smiled sarcastically then said, "A little over the top.. Yeah."

"Well.. So much for my first impression." He said making me laugh as he also joined me.

His laugh sounds so harmonious and its like music.. I could listen to it ever-

OH NO!! SHUT IT!! You are not thinking about this!! World domination!! World. Do. Mi. Na. Tion!!

After that little scene, ben and his girlfriend, Audrey, led us to the statue of the beast. I saw audrey's arm was looped around ben's making me kind of irritated. Wait, what?

Ben clapped his hands making the statue transform into beast form. I heard carlos scream then i looked over at him and saw that he jumped into jay's arms, now they were both in a very awkward yet funny position.

"Carlos, relax. My father wanted this statue to transform from beast to man. To show that anything is possible." He said with a smile as jay dropped carlos to the ground.

"Does he shed much?" I blurt out suddenly as i stared at the statue.

"Yeah. Mom only lets him in the couch." He responds with mischief in his eyes making me look weirdly at him but as quick as it was there, it was gone.

'What a weird guy..' I thought as he led us inside.

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