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When i stepped out of my dorm room, i released a heavy sigh of relief, that finally i am away from that annoying princess.

I headed straight to evie and mal's room but then saw that they were just about to leave also.

Evie was grinning at me as she closed the door while mal just gave me an acknowledging nod. I both gave them a small smile as they walked towards me.

"So where are we going?" Evie piped up as we began walking to an opposite hall, my guess is that we were going to carlos and jay's dorm.

"We are going to find more info about that wand." Mal said with a smirk on her face as we headed to the boys dormitory.

When we found their dorm room, mal didn't hesitate to burst into the room without any warning making me sigh. These guys seriously have to learn what knocking means.

"Hey guys. So.. Adjusting well on your new den?" Evie asked in amusement as she walked around the room, looking through the decorations in it.

"Well its good. We have these sick games here. You should check it out carls." Carlos says to me as i sit down at one of the chairs in the circular table in the middle of the room. "No thank you.. I'd rather avoid brain damaging activities like that." I mutter to myself as jay and mal talk.

"Well.. You see mal, its like buying whatever i want, except its free." Jay smirked as he began setting down all the items he stole on his bed. I almost snorted at that. He is always so damn cocky that its making me wanna tear my hair out sometimes.

"Well, okay then. Now.. How about you leave all these stuff here and come back when we take over the world?" Mal says sarcastically with a mocking high pitched voice as she picked up a phone from the bed.

"You sound just like your mom." Evie said with a smile on her face making one of my hands ball up into fists. I don't know why.. But it always annoyed me when our parents are brought up.

"Thank you." Mal said with a fake touched look as evie just waved her off while fixing her appearance on her mirror.

"Look you do it your way, and i do it in mine."

"Yo jay. You gotta check this game out, it sick." Carlos stepped away from the flat screen tv as he handed jay this remote sticks.

Jay took them from his hands roughly and stepped near the screen tv. When the game began to start up, he then began screaming in excitedly, getting hooked on the game immediately.

In the corner of my eye, i saw mal looking at jay, carlos and evie with an annoyed expression on her face as she placed her hands on the table and breathed in and out deeply, trying to keep her anger in check.

"Guys, do i need to remind you what we're here for?" Mal's voice was already coated heavily with irritation as i just leaned back on my chair and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Fairy godmother blah blah blah.."

"Magic Wand.. Blah blah blah.." Jay teasingly said as he continued to play the game. Evie and carlos laughed at this while mal looked infuriated. As for me, i just kept my eyes closed, these stuff is making me tired. Sheesh.

"This is our one chance!" Mal shouted, her voice echoing in the whole room as everyone of us turned silent.

"To prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil. And vicious. And ruthless and cruel." She finished as she tapped her fingers on the table.

Ouch. Kinda hit home there.

"Yeah?" The three of them looked at each other before mal spoke up once again. "E, mirror me." She commanded as she took a seat, with evie plopping down beside her.

I just grabbed the laptop at the table near me then began finding weird photos of someone in their gallery. Ugh.. Why am i even looking at these..?

"Mirror, Mirror, In th-" Evie cut short but continued again. "In my hand, where does fairy godmother's wand.. stand?" After that, the mirror showed the wand's location and turns out, it's only in a frickin' museum. They are really unguarded here.

"How far is it?"Jay asked as i was already typing away on the laptop. When the page already finished loading, i turned the laptop to them then crossed my arms. "Two miles away from here and takes 30 minutes if we run." They all looked at each other with smirks forming in their faces.

"What are we waiting for then?" Mal asked as she stood up from her seat. "Let's go!"

And indeed we were off. Off to make our parent's goals come true.

1.1 | 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘. ❨ DESCENDANTS ❩Where stories live. Discover now