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Hello guys! This is sadly not an Update. Sorry.

So.. I wanna announce something. I was supposed to update the next chapter but then.. My creative juices stopped flowing all of a sudden. It made me screech. Yes, you heard me, well, read me. Whatever.

I screeched in irritation. Just as i thought this chapter updating mania was gonna last. Until i got the most brilliant beyond brilliant idea i have ever had.

I want to ask you all...


I have been whacking my brain countless of time for ideas but sadly, none have popped into my head yet. So i think i am going to make use of this use block in me right now!

I am one of those readers that kinda feel bummed when things don't go as what i predict in the stories i read so to those readers who are kinda like me, i am super proud of myself that i have thought of this. ( I know, what a petty thing to be happy about. I'm that kind of person. )

Comment down below or Message me in my Inbox on what you would like to be done in the next chapter, the idea that i like most will be the one i use so better hang on to the scenarios in your head about what's the fate of this story.

Looking forward to it!

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