𝐱𝐢𝐢. ━ HELPING

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( M A L )

Right now, me, scarlett and evie are inside evie and i's room while i finish some sketches and evie finishes her dress as scarlett naps on evie's bed. Half of the times i see this girl back in the isle, she's either napping or eating. Its like its the only stuff she does.

The whole room was silent as we minded our businesses until Jane suddenly barged in the room like a storm. I stopped sketching for a minute then raised an eyebrow at her direction, and seeing her crestfallen expression already means that plan A has failed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as she sits at the end of evie's bed beside carly's feet. She sighs as she prepares to respond to me. "I talked with mother just now and she said "If a boy can't see the beauty within, then he's not worth it."." Jane quoted her mother as she stood up and walked at the front poster of the four poster bed i'm currently lying on.

"Can you believe it? What world does she live in!?" Jane leans on the bed poster as she talks with exasperation. I rolled my eyes at her petty problem and just began to sketch some more as she walked back to evie's bed then sat down at the end once again.

"Hey mal, do you like?" Evie asked me as she lifted up her newly made dark blue dress. I looked up for a second then nodded."Yeah, it's cute, really brings out your eyes." I complimented as i spared one more look before completely going back to finishing the shadowing in some parts of my drawings.

The silence then once again overtook the room once again until Jane spoke up. "I'll never get a boyfriend." She says miserably as if not having one would kill her. "Boyfriends.. are overrated." I responded with distaste in my voice.

"And how would you know mal? You've never had one." Evie butts in with a smug expression on her face as she stopped her sewing machine. "Its cause i don't need one,E." I remarked making her smirk as she played with a lock of her hair. "They're a waste of time." I advised Jane as i sharpened my pencil then got back to drawing.

I then heard evie gasp then spoke out, "Oh no, i forgot to do Chad's homework." She stood up from her seat then half ran to get the bag that was on the floor beside her four poster bed while continously chanting 'Oh no'.

"And that," I start as i point at Evie with the end of my pencil while looking at Jane, "Is exactly what i mean." I finished then shook my head in disbelief that evie was letting some guy make her do his work. She sat down at the chair in front of the table and began to open the bag. A few seconds after, someone knocked in the door then walked into the room again. A curly ginger haired girl with a sporty outfit walked inside with what seems like a container of bows strapped in her back. "Hey guys." Heavy accent. Why do i get the feeling i know who this is already? I looked up from my drawings and when i saw her face, i already knew whose family she came from.

"I'm Miranda." She introduced with a smile on her face as she looked at evie, me and jane and stared at scarlett's slightly snoring face before shaking her head and regained her smile. When no one responded to her, she was about to spreak again and this time i knew what she was gonna say. "My mom's Merida." She states as if it wasn't obvious already by the poofy hair.

"No? Oh, anyway, i love what you've done with Jane's hair." She all said in a rush making a few works unclear to me. "And well.. you hate us.. And you're evil.." She hesitantly starts making me crack a smile. Until she finished her sentence and finally said the reason why she's here.

"But do you think you could do mine?"

I looked up from my various papers of sketches and then to her with an eyebrow raised. "Why would i do that for you?" And i am serious, i don't need anything from her so why should i do something for her?

She brought out a blue pouch that jingled when she brought it out. "I'll pay you fifty dollars." Before i could even say anything about her offer, evie already grabbed stood up and grabbed the pouch from ginger girl's grip making me roll my eyes and just go back to what i was previously doing.

"Good answer. I need to buy more material. Let's see.. I'm thinking, we'll lose the bangs, maybe some layers and some highli-" Evie blabbered about until ginger cut her off.

"Um, no, i want it cool. Like mal's." Miranda said as she gestured at me making me look up at her and evie. "Really? The split ends too?" Evie mocked making me slam my pencil on my stack of papers.

But evie just waved the pouch full of money in my face making me release a breath of exasperation. I rolled out of bed and picked up my spell book from the bedside table then stood up and leaned on one of the bed posters before i began flipping the pages of the spell book then stopped when i found the spell i needed.

"Beware for swear, replace the old.. With cool hair." I pursed my lips after i finished reciting and did the motion i did with Jane earlier and when i finished it, the curly red noodles on her head earlier turned into beautiful waves of fiery red hair.

She touched the tips of her hair as her mouth takes shape into an O as she walked in front of the mirror at the corner, whilst i followed her with my eyes. I thought my mom's magic only created evil things but.. now..


I snapped out of reverie when evie shouted my name making me shift my attention to her. "What?"

"You were drifting in your own thoughts again. Miranda and Jane already left. What's the matter with you? You've always been spacing out lately." Evie asked me with a hint of concern in her voice. I didn't answer her and just shrugged my shoulders before picking up my leather jacket and drawing in the bed as i place them inside my green folder.

I shrugged on my jacket and grabbed my folder before walking over to the door.

"And now where are you going?" She asked with both her hands on her hips.

"Someplace quiet." I replied before stepping out through the door.

1.1 | 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘. ❨ DESCENDANTS ❩Where stories live. Discover now