𝐱𝐯. ━ LET'S PLAY

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( S C A R L E T T )

"Remind me again on why do we have to go to this insanely noisy place? You know how allergic i am to crowds." I groaned out at mal as she and evie dragged me to the bleachers.

"Because we need to keep an eye out for your lover boy at all times. See if the magic wears off, and don't want that happening wouldn't we?" Evie teases as she and mal sat me down on a free space beside Lonnie, who was apparently helped by mal to fix her hair.

"Hey! Glad you guys decided to come! The game's about to start!"

Apparently, Tourney was the sport here in Auradon, that does not interest me one bit but because i have two forceful women with me, i had to no choice but to go here instead of indulging the warm and soft pillows in my room.

The game went on, the shouts of people was deafening as i watched everybody buzz with adrenaline, watching the game.

When the game was finished, everybody was on their feet and screaming in victory for the team. From down there, i could see that jay was almost in tears while carlos was jumping up and down on the field. Everybody was happy while here i am... Feeling bored as fuck. Yep, call me a party pooper. Not my fault two people brought me here.

"What a victory! An absolutely wonderful end to one of the best games ever. Here they come, folks. The winners of the first tourn..." The announcer's booming words were cut off when somebody rudely grabbed the mic from him. And that somebody is, suprisingly, Beasty.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Can i have your attention please?" Beasty said through the mic, all eyes going to him as he stepped up a platform of some sort. "There's something i'd like to say."

Everyone was wondering what he wanted to announce, some whispering amongst themselves while some just focused their attention on him.

"Give me a C!"



"Give me an A!"



"Give me an R!"



1.1 | 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘. ❨ DESCENDANTS ❩Where stories live. Discover now