𝐢𝐱. ━ STEP ONE

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"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you: a) curse it? b) lock in a tower? c) give it a bottle? or d) carve out its heart?" Fairy god mother asked as she looked at the uninterested faces of the growing teens in front of her looking like dead flies.

Jay and Carlos looked at each other as if saying 'Coming here is the worst choice we have ever made' while evie payed attention as mal continued drawing on her sheet of paper as carly composed something that popped into her mind out of the blue. Evie raised her hand when Fairy god mother finished her question then FG called her name. "Uh, what was the second one?" She asked with an innocent expression making mal look at her and carly roll her eyes in front seeing as she was sitting in the seat in front of them alone with her feet up the table lazily.

"Okay.. No, anybody else?" Fairy Godmother looked the five teens in front of her then her eyes landed on a certain fiery red haired girl who looked like she was swimming in the clouds. "Carly." The Red Descendant looked up at the nice lady at the stage then immediately gave her answer, " C. Give it a bottle."

"Correct. Again." Fairy Godmother complimented as she sent carly a warm smile which the girl just responded with a nod. "You are on fire girl." Carlos said as she looked at carly who just shrugged her shoulders. "Just pick the one that doesn't sound any fun." Mal stated obviously as she shook her head in disbelief. The three released a series of 'oh' and 'of course' making mal just roll her eyes at them as she continued adding realistic details to her drawing of the magic wand.

A few minutes later, Fairy Godmother's daughter, Jane, walked carefully inside the room in the pathway in the middle of the tables and when she passed the tables the VK's were, she released a small squeak as she walked straight to the stage where her mother stood. "Hello, dear one." Fairy Godmother greeted to her daughter as Jane hands a clipboard to her and a sign pen.

"Hi mom. You need to send an early dismissal for the coronation." Jane glanced at the villain kids sitting in the seats behind her then saw that the famous daughter of maleficent was staring at her, making her eyes widen for a fraction due to her fear.

Mal kicked carly's seat from under the table making carly turn around to face her with irritation clear in her facial expression then mal nudged her head to jane's way as carly followed her line of sight, her eyes landed on the fragile looking girl at the front wearing a blue dress and is trying to sport a hideous short and plain hair with an equally hideous bow headband.

"Everyone, meet my daughter, Jane." Fairy Godmother introduces as she finished signing whatever was in the clipboard then gave it back to jane as her daughter protested about being introduced to the Villain Kids. Jay and carlos looked at each other then back to jane with no interest whatsoever.

"Hi.." Jane starts meekly as she hugged the clipboard to her chest, her face contorting into a scared expression. Mal continued to stare at her as she played with a lock of her hair, her sharp eyes observing the scared girl in front while Carly was boring holes into the poor girl's soul, the wheels in her head already working the same pace as mal's. "Don't mind me, as you are."

Jane left after that while class continued as Fairy godmother asked one last question and jay answered it making carlos irritated as jay provoked him more, making FGM feel a bit irritated at their energy.

"Boys." She called as the two still continued to wrestle in their table. "Boys!" She called more loudly catching the attention of all the kids who were doing their businesses. "I am gonna encourage you to use that energy in the tourney field." Fairy Godmother said as she smiles at the two boys who froze at their position on the table.

"Oh no, that's okay.. Whatever it is you're talking about anyway." Carlos said with a tired laugh as he and jay went down the table then fixed themselves. The girls rolled their eyes at their typical boyishness then after that FGM announced that class was over.

Carly was just about to head back to her room when she stepped outside the remedial goodness classroom until mal grabbed her arm, preventing her from doing so. The red haired female looked back at mal then raised an eyebrow at her. "What?"

"Look, I know that things are once again turning cold because of all this, but can we just focus on what's our real purpose here? We're gonna need all the help we can get and we only have each other here. So can we please just set aside what issue it is we have so we can finally free our parents and get out of this cursed place?" Carly just stared at mal for a minute and saw that she's really determined to make her mother see that she can be successful.

That she can do this on her own and without the guidance of her mom.

It made her feel pathetic. That how could she just sit here and bury some hate about mal when their real purpose should be getting the magic wand. And that was what they're going to do.

After a second, carly finally responded. "Fine. I hate to admit it but you're right. We do need to help each other. And i am willing to just focus on what we need to do at hand. So you have a plan?" She asked even though she already has one herself.

"Yes. And i'm guessing you already have one too. And i'm taking a hunch that both of our plans consist of jane." Mal smirked at she let go of carly's arm after seeing the red haired female smirk.


Step One; completed.

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