★★★★ The Ultimate Fanfic Challenge 200 Prompts (8/24/2015)

740 5 3

Be sure to carefully read the Intro, Rules, and Q&A before starting.

A long time ago I came across a challenge which was really meant to push writers limits, but as I worked my way through said prompts the original suddenly disappeared. I happened to save the prompt list though, and re-posted it on a different forum on the site it originated at. The rules remained pretty much the same except for the ones I'd discussed with others in the original forum chat as being unoriginal. Here are the rules, and then I'll give you guys the list.

1. Follow the rules put down in the rules section.

2. Tag your story with the proper fandom tags, but and use the category tags. Instead you need to use the following tags.
- fanfic should be tagged #ultimatefanficchallenge200prompts, and #fan(number)word
- fanfic crossovers should be tagged #ultimatexoverchallenge200prompts, and #xover(number)word
- popfic should be tagged #ultimatepopficchallenge200prompts, and #pop(number)word
- popfic crossovers should be tagged #ultimatepopcrosschallenge200prompts, and #pcross(number)word
- original fiction should be tagged #ultimateofchallenge200prompts, and #of(number)word
Note: Here is an example of the later tags. #fan1destroy would be the tag for the first prompt.

3. All regular promps must be at least 10,000 words, and all bonus prompts must be at least 1,000. It used to be 20,000 and 5,000, but I wanted to encourage more people to participate.

4. All regular prompts must be chapter based fics with at least three chapters. Only the bonus ones may be one-shots, but they don't need to be.

5. Only work on one prompt at a time per category. You may take breaks as you need to do so.

6. Once you post a story you may not edit the chapter except to make it rule compliant, or if you choose to completely retry the prompt from scratch with a new story. Posting a good final draft is good practice. You can also change which prompt you're using for the story if you feel a different one would work better. Don't delete unless you're doing a complete re-write.

7. Don't abandon a story. You can retry a prompt, but please finish your story.

8. Stories don't need to be "new" to count, but any story other then the ones your allowed to work on must be finished before you tag them with the proper tags.

9. No OCs as main characters. You can use OCs to help fill in the cast as needed, but no OCs taking on main roles.

10. One prompt per story.

11. Don't do a rush job. If it takes you ten years to do ten prompts then it takes you ten years to do ten prompts.

12. Have fun.

Here is the list. There is actually 250 words, plus ten bonus words.


1. Destroy

2. Bittersweet

3. Love

4. Hate

5. Happiness

6. Death

7. God

8. Immortality

9. Dark

10. Light

11. Smile

12. Distance

13. Wedding

14. Funeral

15. Insanity

16. Greed

17. Pride

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