The goal of the Fanfic★Challenge is to provide writing challenges for fanfic writers to...
a.) ... challenge the writer so they will grow as a writer
b.) ... help get a writers creative juices going
c.) ... provide something for people to read...
In this challenge series, you will find challenges with ★ ratings indicating how difficult, and/or the amount of time each challenge will be for the writer. Even if you're a beginning writer, check out the higher rated challenges to see if said challenge is rated high because of difficulty or because of the amount of time which will be needed for said challenge.
★ – One star challenges are good for writers who arewanting to test the waters in regards to writing stories by providingchallenges which cover basic writing skills. They are also good for writer'slooking for a challenge which they may be able to complete in one day, orsomething to get the creative juices flowing.
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★★ – Two star challenges take basic writing skillsand expand upon them. Some are good for testing the waters for a beginningwriter, but others push basic writing skills slightly. For those looking forsomething to get the creative juices flowing, these challenges will take a dayor so typically.
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★★★ – Three star challenges are harder challengeswhich utilize advanced writing skills, a basic understanding of fanfic writingand/or time. A writer should know what makes a good fanfic before taking onthis challenge, but also utilize preplanning skills so the writing process goessmoothly. These challenges are typically not ones which can be finished in aday or two.
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★★★★ – Four star challenges are either challengeswhich utilize advanced writing skills and/or take quite a bit of time to pulloff.
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The purpose of the Fanfic★Challenge is... - to provide writers with challenges aimed at helping them grow as writers - to provide writers with inspiration to write stories, but also get the creative juices flowing - to provide readers with stories to read - to have fun
Note – Have an idea for a challenge or looking for a specific type of challenge, feel free to drop a line. The dates with the challenges are when I first posted challenges as some require a new story. A "new story" is any story published on that date or later as nobody can verify whether you added the tags after these dates, but the point for most challenges is to write something new rather than using an older challenge.
4/14/2016 – I've added badges which anyone participating are free to add to the covers of their stories for any challenge pieces.