★★★★ Rare Replay x-over (8/7/2015)

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Be sure to carefully read the Intro, Rules and Q&A pages before going any farther.

On August 4, 2015 Rare celebrated thirty years of gaming, and released thirty games in a game pack called Rare Replay. The games range from retro arcade games to some of the early games to use a 3-D emulator. Does thirty games mean thirty different crossovers? The number is actually over one-hundred different possibilities. The challenge for this ★ Fanfic Challenge is to come up with as many crossovers for the series released as possible.  Stories may be written in a Rare Replay collection, or as individual stories. Stories may also be one-shots or multi-chapter stories. Each story should be no more then 10,000 words each. 


1. Follow all the basic rules put down under the rules section.

2. Stories should not use the usual ★ Fanfic Challenge tags, but use instead the #rarereplaychallenge tag along with a crossover tag. A crossover between Banjo Kazooie and Kameo would use the tag #banjokazooie-kameo as well as the tags #banjokazooie and  #kameo.

3. Each crossover must use only two fandoms from the Rare Replay collection, and only two fandoms. Each writer may only create one story for each set of fandoms. Here is a list of the fandoms. The sports fandoms like Slalom are not included. (See bonus challenges.) The total number of crossovers is over a hundred.

i. Jetman
ii. Atic Atac
iii. Sabre Wulf
iv. Gunfright
v. Snake Rattle 'n' Roll
vi. Digger T. Rock
vii. Battletoads
viii. Killer instinct
ix. Blast Corps
x. Banjo-Kazooie
xi. Jet Force Gemini
xii. Perfect Dark
xiii. Conker's Bad Fur Day
xiv. Grabbed by the Ghoulies
xv. Kameo
xvi. Pinata

4. Stories don't have to be new, but they do need to be under 10,000 words.

Banned Fandoms: Any fandom not on the list.

Bonus Challenges:

*1a. One of the downsides to the Rare Replay collection is the fact Rare made some really good games which could not be included in the collection because of copyright issues. Finish two stories for this challenge and you may write a crossover with any fandom from any Rare game. Follow the rules for tagging, but tag them #rarereplaynotincluded. All other rules apply.

*1b. Finish four crossovers for the regular challenge and two crossovers for the bonus 1a and you can cross over any from the Rare Replay list with any fandom not used in a Rare game. Follow the rules, but tag them with the #rarereplayxover tag.

*1c. Finish eight crossovers for the regular challenge, four for bonus 1a, two for bonus 1b and you can crossover any Rare Replay game with any fandom. Follow the rules, but tag the stories #rareplay-crossedover.

*2a. Some of the games are more theme based then character driven. Add to this list of themes a few other themes and you come up with the following list.

i. outer space
ii. werewolf
iii. western
iv. slalom
v. race car driving
vi. boat racing
vii. spies
vii. ghosts
viii. faeries

Complete one of the stories for the regular challenge and you may write a story for each of the themes for any of the fandoms you used for said crossover. Follow the rules, but tag the stories #rarereplaytheme

*2b. This is the same as bonus challenge 2b, but includes any fandom used for challenge 1a, Follow the rules, but tag the stories #rarereplaythemenotincluded

Note: If you want to create a collection then tag your entries #rarereplaychallenge, or

1a. #rarecincluded
1b. #rarexover
1c. #rarecrossedover
2a. #raretheme
2b. #rarethemenotincluded

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