★ Just Write It Repeat (03/24/2016)

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Just like the Fanfic Friday Repeats challenge this challenge has writer's repeat Just Write It challenges. For Just Write It, people need to write a challenge is to write a story that is 10,000 words or more in one month, but like the other challenge, this removes the time limit for writing the given prompt. Only some of the challenges are thought repeatable for #jwi-repeats. For example, the November challenge is always to write 50,000 words, which is meant to coincide with NaNoWriMo which also occurs for the month.


1. Each story needs to be at least 10,000 words.

2. Focus on the theme chosen.

3. Limit one story per fandom or per genre depending on whether one is doing original fiction or fanfiction.


1. #springbreak – Write a story involving Spring Break.

2. #aprilfools – Write a funny story that fits the theme of April Fools.

3. #leadinglady – Write a story featuring a mother or strong woman.

4. #freshstart – Writer a story involving a fresh start.

5. #holidaychaos – Write a holiday story featuring holiday chaos.

6. #firsts – Write a story involving a first.

7. #loveletters – Write a story told through love letters.

8. #sports - Write a story involving the sports genre.

9. #earthlove - What would life on a planet which isn't Earth be like?

10. #LGBTQ - Anything LGBTQ

11. #thriller - Anything of the thriller genre.

12. #adventureedition - Anything of the adventure genre.

13. #altending - Write a story with an alternate ending.

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