Meeting Yaniah - T.A.N.

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(AUTHORS note: I been on a roll today with updating. Here's another )


"If you think you're so fucking grown, get the hell out of my house you little whore!"

My heart broke into two hearing my own mother call me those hurtful names. All because I had a boy in the house? We didn't do anything besides watch a movie..she's so hateful. Ever since my mom started dating this guy, Chad, he's filled her head with lies to turn her against me. Things like how im too grown, too fast, etc. Since then, shes become an overprotective, spiteful little thing. He was jealous of her and I's relationship and wanted her all to himself. He's the actual whore, an attention whore.

After asking my friend La'Ron to leave, I decided to take a walk, to get some fresh air. It was almost night time, but when you feel as if you have no hope , danger doesn't scare you at all. I grabbed a light jacket, a water bottle, and some candy then began my journey. I walked along the road, making sure I dodged the oncoming cars that drove a bit too close to the edge. After an hour or so, I wasn't sure what time it was considering I'd left my phone at the house, I stopped and rested at a park by these big apartments. It was empty, which I liked. Taking my jacket off, I used it as a pillow and layed on the slide, staring up at the sky. It felt as if I was being watched and when I turned my head I saw a tall guy coming toward me. I might have felt threatened had he not been carrying a baby girl around his neck. She looked about three and he could be in his twenties. He was also very easy on the eyes. I turned away before he noticed me staring and played with my curls.

I was minding my own business until I felt another set of hands in my hair. I looked up to see the same little girl.

"You have pretty hair like my doll," She cooed.

"NyNy leave that lady alone." He sighed, sounded frustrated.

I chuckled, "She's not harming me, sir. And thank you little princess."

She blushed. I finally got a good look at her dad. He had a nice fade, brown eyes, and a gorgeous smile. "Chill with that sir, shit. I'm Trey."

"Nice to meet you Trey. Yaniah."

"Daddy she has a name like me," Nyny squeaked, "My name is Shaniah," she said proudly.

"Hey we're name twins." I said, squeezing her hand.

Trey chuckled. "What you doing out here by yourself? Thats dangerous you know.. How old are you."

I thought about lying. "Seventeen," I said, honestly

He looked at me deep in thought. "Your parents know you out here?"

"They ain't worried."

He nodded and left it at that. The tattoos running up his arm caught my attention as he picked Nyny up and placed her at the top of the slide. I kindly moved.

"I got em when I was overseas."


"My sleeve. I got it when I was in the army."

My eyebrows scrunched together. I thought tattoos weren't allowed but I guess so.

"Oh, cool."

I gathered my jacket, preparing to leave and go back home but he stopped me.

"Wanna come back to the house with us? Watch a movie or some?" He asked.

"Uh, sure."

I knew I shouldn't be going anywhere with a stranger, but I felt like I could trust him. I followed them back to their place, listening to Ny mumble incoherently as she fell asleep in his arms. I watched their interactions with one another. He gently placed a kiss on her temple and reached for his keys. I've always longed for a relationship like that with my real father. But Rikers needed him more than I did.


After putting Shaniah to sleep, I headed back downstairs where I left Yaniah. She was a cute lil thing, too bad she's only seventeen. When I first saw her, of course man-nish type thoughts entered my mind. But after conversing with her, I saw much more than a woman. She seemed like she had a lot of secrets inside her that no one knew about. She was shy, something I've always hated in a female, but it was beautiful on her. I shook myself from my thoughts and popped a movie into the DVD player. I let her pick this one and surprisingly she didn't choose one of them sappy ass movies. The beginning credits to Big Momma's House 2 played as I grabbed a blanket for her.

"Thanks, sir, uh, Trey," she smiled, correcting herself.

"You welcome, beautiful." I watched the blush creep up on her cheeks. I wondered how often she'd heard it before.

After settling in next to her, I turned my phone off and turned the tv volume up. She scooted closer and gave me some of her blanket. I grinned and put my arm around her. It was friendly though.


It felt nice being close to him. I felt, protected..which is something I'm not very used to. I've never been held before or told that I'm beautiful, at least not very often. I was so deep into my thoughts that I hadn't noticed Trey staring at me.

"Whatchu thinking so deep about?"

I shook my head. "Nothing important really."

"You sure? You know you can talk to me. I'm old enough to be ya daddy anyways," He said, joking.

I chuckled, "You can say that again."

He turned the tv off and turned to face me. "But all jokes aside, I know it's a lot to you that you not telling me. I can see it in your eyes, you've been through a lot. You know where I stay now ma, if you ever need to come hang out, or just talk, I'm here for you. Alright?"

I was overwhelmed with emotion even though it wasn't a big deal. I felt my eyes water a bit. These days, people don't care enough to let you know they're here for you. They're so focused on their own lives to see the pain that you try so hard to hide.

He wiped the tears that threatened to fall. "Don't cry, it's okay baby."

Even though my head screamed for me not to, I couldn't stop myself from leaning in. He gripped my face, stopping me from kissing him. I'm sure the disappointment was evident on my face and I was quite embarrassed.

"Not yet, Yaniah. You still a yungin'."

I nodded in understanding. "Well, ima get myself ready to go back home"

He stopped me. "Let me take you home, I don't want you walking by yourself this late."

"Ok," I whispered.

Trey went to wake NyNy and we were on the way to my house. Before I got out of the car, he pecked my forehead. "Holla if you need me."

I blushed, and walked back into the hell hole I called my home.

(AUTHOR'S Note : I'm thinking about making this a full story, idk, let me know what y'all think in the comments.)

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