Mommy's Boyfriend - A.A.

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(Author's Note : This type of imagine is super super cliche, but I love reading stories like this. Ima try not to make it too basic lmao. Enjooy doe.)

Taty xx

I held my head against the cold car window as my "mother" continued to yell at me. We just left the doctor's office and I received the craziest news of my life. I'm pregnant. When Dr. Lewis told me, my mama went ballistic, calling me all types of "whores" and "sluts". I understand that she's mad, but never in your life should you call your 17 year old daughter names like that. Yeah, I was wrong for being sexually active before marriage, but she's being a hypocrite. She gave birth to me when she was fifteen, so I would think she'd be a little more understanding.

"I can't believe you, Tatyana," she said, banging her fists against the steering wheel and swerving between lanes.

"Ma, how many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry?"

"Sorry does not cut it! You're fucking pregnant. This isn't a game, there's a legitimate life growing inside of you right now. What were you thinking?!"

Well, I was thinking that Patrick loved me more than words could explain, at least that's what he told me just minutes before I spread my legs for him. It was the best night of my life, and even after he came inside of me and I realized that I could possibly be pregnant, the feeling of his arms around my body made me feel like everything would be okay. But everything isn't okay. I'm pregnant, Patrick won't return my phone calls, and my mother hates me.

"I don't know, ma. I'm sorry. I'll get a job, I'll do whatever I have to do so that I can get out of your house and you'll never have to worry about your slutty daughter again."

My eyes started to water, but I fought the tears back. There's no use in crying now. It is what it is. She looked over at me and sighed before focusing back on the road. I truly hoped she felt bad for how she was treating me right now when all I needed was comfort.

When we pulled up to the house, I rolled my eyes at the sight of the black Range Rover that was now parked in the driveway. It belongs to her boyfriend, August. It's not that I dislike him, he's actually pretty cool. But with all that I'm dealing with right now, I don't wanna be bothered with anyone. And knowing my mama, as soon as she sees him, she's going to spill all of my business.

I walked inside the house and gave him a quick wave before running upstairs to my room. Before I could even shut the door all the way, I heard the beginning of their conversation.

"What's wrong wit' Taty? She been crying?" He asked.

I went ahead and closed it because she'd be loud enough for me to hear what she had to say anyways. She doesn't care much about how people feel.

"Her little dumb ass went and got pregnant, now I have to take care of her and her baby. I barely have enough money to pay the bills, and she decides to get knocked up. She's so fucking selfish."

I locked my door and finally let the tears flow. I never cry in front of people, because they only pretend to care. I'd much rather cry in the safety of my own room, where I can't be judged for it or called an "attention whore."

I stripped down to a t-shirt and shorts before collapsing on my bed, letting my soft blanket be my source of comfort. My daddy gave it to me before he got locked up when I was four. I can't help but think that if he was here right now, things would be much better. I wouldn't feel so alone and mama wouldn't be so hateful. We'd be a big, happy family like on Full House or something. He calls me every now and again when he can, but for the most part, we just write each other.

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