Repost of Mommy's Boyfriend Part 2

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August's POV

I sat up, wiped the slob from my mouth, and looked around. Waking up out of my sleep wasn't a normal thing for me, especially seeing that it was 3 AM. Something felt eerie. I looked over at my girlfriend, Cassandra, who was still sleeping deeply.

Shrugging, I laid back down and tried to close my eyes. A loud groan coming from down the hallway caused my eyes to shoot back open. I grabbed my gun from the nightstand and hopped up to check on Taty. As I crept closer to her room, the pain shrieks became louder, I busted in with my gun drawn, only to see her doubled over in pain. No one was here besides her. I dropped the gun and knelt to her side.

"Whats wrong, baybeh girl? You in pain.?"

She nodded rapidly and pointed at her almost 9 month pregnant stomach. "I-I think my water broke"

"Shit," I mumbled, running my hands through my messy hair.

"Aug do something, please!" She pleaded.

I helped her walk downstairs and outside to the car.

"Stay hea' don't move!"

She gave me a look that read, 'nigga where the fuck ima go'

I ran back in the house to wake Cass up. She pushed my hands away. "August move, I don't want sex right now."

"Get ya ass up! Taty givin' birth any second!"

She shot up and scrambled for her jeans. "Where she at?"

"In the car, let's go!"

I drove while Cass sat in the back comforting Taty, if you could even call it that.

She moaned in pain, clutching her stomach.

"See, this why ya shouldn't have spread your damn legs. I told ya, mhm sho did."

I mugged Cass through the rear view mirror. She shrugged and rubbed the back of Taty's hand.

We got to the hospital, and the nurses already knew wassup by the looks on our faces. I went into the room with Taty while Cass signed the necessary paperwork. When she was finished, she joined us.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," the doctor announced, glancing at me.

I nodded and prepared to walk out the door.

"No!" Taty screamed, "Aug don't leave me, please"

With the look on her face, I couldn't leave even if I wanted to.

The doctor sighed in irriation. "Well someone needs to. There's a maximum of two people allowed during the birth."

Cass threw up her hands. "I'll go, I guess," She said, mugging Taty and I.

"Bae it's not like that," I began.

"Whatever, I'm sure she prefers you to be here over her own mother," she spat, and left the room.

I took Cass' place beside Taty and held her hand. "You got this, ma. I'm right hea'"

The doctor kneeled in front of her, "Ok Tatyana, I need you to push sweetie."



It's been two months since I gave birth to my pride and joy, Kota Jermaine Sanders. He has my last name because his father, Patrick, wants nothing to do with him. It still hurts that the guy who took my virginity doesn't want to be apart of my sons life, but it's all good. We're doing fine.

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