Mr. alsina

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Getting ready for school proved to be the most difficult task, it seems to get harder with each passing grade. Being a senior in high school meant not having as much work, but twice the stress considering we have to prepare for graduation as well as beg colleges to accept us.

I grabbed my shoulder bag and left the house, preparing for the long walk to East High Academy for Girls. Going to an all girl school was cool except for the fact that I hate females. They stay with attitudes, like hoe, be happy for once. I be in chill mode all the time, I don't have time for all the extras.

I walked up to my locker, hoping today went smoothly and I didn't end up with detention like last week. Apparently, body piercings aren't allowed now and I refused to take my nose hoop out. But hell, they had another thing coming if the hole closed and I had to get it repierced.

Placing my ear buds in, I turned on "Real Sisters" by Future, and walked into my first period class which is History. Kicking my feet up on the chair in front of me, I began drawing on the edges of my notebook. The teacher, Mrs. Clark, was always late and most people believed it had something to do with her secret relationship with the principal. Nasty selves. I was interrupted by my headphones being snatched out. I looked up and opened my mouth in preparation to get in somebody's ass but I was greeted with the sexiest man I've ever seen. My jaw dropped a bit as he clenched his teeth together.

"Now that I have ya attention, put these away, now!"

My brows rose as his voice level increased. "I don't know who you yellin at, but chill out. I wasn't the one who pissed in ya Cheerios."

Truth be told, it was sexy when he got loud with me. I've always had a thing for aggressive types. I smirked as the anger on his face grew more profound. Defeated, he walked back to the front of the room.

"Excuse me, let me get y'all attention. Your teacher, Ms. CLARK, will not be back for a few weeks due to trauma of the cervix."

Laughter erupted from the class. Thats what her freak ass get. Principal Miller must've been beating that kitty DOWN.

Even Mr. Alsina chuckled before folding his arms. "Aight, aight, calm it down now,"

"Mr. Alsina? Where are you from exactly, I love your accent," Juliana said, biting on her lip seductively.

He seemed unfazed by her thirsty behavior. "I'm from New Orleans sweetheart."

All the girls squirmed in their seats like a bunch of hot and bothered whores. I don't blame em though, this man was fine. I decided to be petty.

"I don't know why you acting dehydrated Juliana, his accent ain't all that," I said, flipping my hair over my shoulder. She looked back at me with a scowl as Mr. Alsina nodded and smirked as if to say, "okay, I got you."

I winked.


I started walking home, hoping it didn't pour down raining on my freshly straightened hair. I'm not in the mood to have it revert back to a kinky curly mess all over my head.

A red Jeep slowed down next to me. I tried to peek into the windows but tbey we're tinted. Nervous, I picked up the pace a bit. People really crazy these days. My house is only a block away so if I made a run for it I'd be okay.

The windows rolled down, revealing my creepy stalker.

"Where you headed la' girl?" Mr. Alsina asked, running his tongue along his grill that I hadnt noticed before.

"Please, I'm grown.."

"Ha! You funny, get in the car doe."

I looked into his eyes to see if he was serious before yanking his door open and hopping in. He was even sexier outside the classroom.

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