Epilogue - Part 1

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Sophia's POV

I awoke to the sound of my alarm. I stood up out of bed and got dressed. I just wore smart but casual clothes for work just anything I fancied really. I went downstairs my Auntie Sue had breakfast ready on the table. My Auntie Sue has blonde straight hair down the her shoulders and a thin face. She isn't fat but isn't skinny and is quite tall.

"Morning sweetie!" She sang putting my spoon down on the table.

"hello!" I smiled at her. A usual morning was just my Auntie Sue and my cousin Josh at the breakfast table because my uncle starts work at 6, whereas I start at 9am, Josh starts at 9:30am and my Auntie starts work and 11:30am.

My uncle runs a business, selling CD's, DVD's, Posters and merchandise for different clubs, pop stars all that sort of thing. My uncle, Pete, is quite tall guy, short brown hair. Very business like. Josh is manager at the restaurant in town. It's a very posh, cool place. One of the towns best restaurants. He has light brown hair that is always flicked up in a quiff. He is quite a buff guy, good looking too. (is that weird, because he's my cousin. I can't help it, he is rather hot though)! My auntie works at a hotel on reception.

"Hey!" Josh smiled looking up at me.

"morning!" I smiled back laughing at how much he ate in a morning. Josh is 2 years older than me, making him 18.

I quickly at my cereal before grabbing my bag and phone and setting off to work. My usual trip to work consisted of me walking into town or getting the train depending on the time and the weather or if my cousin was ready he'd give me a lift. I'm 16, so in the US I could get my drivers licence. I am having driving lessons at the moment. The instructor said I should be ready to take my test in 2 months. YAY! I am so excited.

It was quite warm out today so I decided to walk. It was only about 10/15 minutes. I set of walking, our house is quite big, all the houses on our street are. I walked off our street onto the main road. Cars were whizzing past. I took my phone out of my pocket. I had a facebook message from Louis.

Louis Tomlinson: Hey, how are you babe? Miss you loads!!! I'm starting collage tomorrow, I'm scared without you! How's work? Keep doing what you do best! Love you loads!! Lots of Love, Louis<3<3

I read the message. Truth is I missed him so so much. So far the whole long distance relationship is working. I skype him when I can, he does the same with me and we call and message each other. I realised he was online so replied straight away.

Sophia Turner: LOUISS! Heyy! I miss you so so much too! I'm good, and yourself. You'll be fine baby! You have Harry and Niall and Jen too remember! Work is alright at the moment. It is quite exciting meeting loads of celebrities to talk about merch! Woo!! Love you! lots of love Sophia!<3

I replied smiling. I couldn't believe it when they said I start work straight away, I though I'd have to do some sort of thing in collage but they said a GCSE was enough soo... haha. My phone buzzed once again.

Louis Tomlinson: YAY!!! Your online! Celebrities ooo!!! haha. Everybody here says they miss you too. Well they aren't here now but all Jen and everyone do miss you!<3

Sophia Turner: hah, Awhh. Tell them I miss them all too! Except curly!! Only joking!! Anyway get some sleep you! It must be like 4:30-5:00am ish in England!!<3

Louis Tomlinson: It is but I'd much rather talk to you!! How long till you start work?<3

Sophia Turner: 15 minutes, i've just got into work now, I feel so bad because your up early to talk to me, but I really have to go. The boss wants to see me before work. Love you loads baby! Bye<3<3

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