Chapter 2 - The 'Populars'

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I forgot to say this in the last chapter but a big thank'you to Doodle Tomlinson for the cover picture for this Fan-fic! Read her's they are really good!



Love you guys! Kayleigh xx

PS. Sorry about the rubbish chapter. It is sort of a bridge one for the next one introducing everything properly. 


Sophia's POV

I was dreading the teacher saying " Louis and Sophia here". I was hoping that wouldn't happen. But sure enough it came. I sighed and sat next to him.

"This will be fun!" I sarcastically said to myself maybe a bit loud.

"Won't it just!" He replied with an evil grin on his face. I was scared about what will happen in this lesson. 

Lucky she made us be silent. 

"STOP nudging me!" I shouted but quietly.

"Whats up?" He smirked and I just put my head back down and carried on.

The bell rang and I shot out of my seat over to Jen.

"How come you were sat next to him?" I asked pointing over to the small boy walking out the classroom.

"She missed me out so had to go at the end." Jen said looking a bit fed up.

"I wish she'd missed me out!" I huffed.

"I am guessing sitting next to Louis worked out?" She said sighing and grabbing my hand.

"Now we have Music next it is in our form room. Mr Jacobs always lets us pick out seats. I want a good one not next to the 'populars' and the populars tag alongs" We hurried down the corridor.

"Tag alongs?" I asked puzzled by what she said.

"Let me introduce you to Nicole, Lexi and Jade! Nicole is the one in our form. Basically they are the bitches! And they tag along with Zayn, Louis, Harry, Liam and Niall. They are like the Sharpays of this school!" She explains.

"So stay out of there way too?" I asked knowing the answer. I was shy so hopefully it will be easy for me.

In Mr Jacobs class there was tables all around the outside off the room. So it was like a big square/circle. We sat at the side not near the 'populars' and their tag alongs and put our bags under the desk. The boys where showing off singing. They were actually really good! Although i hate them and i am not going to tell anyone i thought that.

"Boys stop now, take your seats!" The teacher said looking at his watch. "We are going to be looking at our music heroes. Niall yours!" he pointed

"Michael buble!" She smiled 

"Nice! Lexi yours!" He points to her now.

"Beyonce or Lady GaGa!" She cockily smiled back. He said a couple more names i was so scared he was going to pick me. He looked in my direction Oh No!


"Ermm, Maroon 5" She smiled back and some snigger's came from the back. But she just ignored them she was good like that.

"Sophia is it?" I nodded he urged me to go on.

"Ermm The Fray" I awkwardly smiled they burst out laughing. Whats up with The Fray?

I tried to ignore it but it was hard. I looked at Jen. She gave a sympathetic look. They carried on laughed and talking about me.

"The Fray?!" Harry looked at me.

"Are you serious?!" Louis shouted at me. I didn't want to say anything back. I am not that kind of person. I just sat there.

"Boys! Quiet now!" Mr Jacobs shouted. They shut up and he carried on. I didn't make eye contact with anyone but Jen all that lesson, I was too scared. 

That lesson went really slowly but I would rather stay there then go science! Jen wasn't in this class and her friends weren't either I!

"Right I will meet you outside here when class finishes, yeah?" Jen smiled I saw Louis, Harry and Zayn come over.

"Please Lord! Say they aren't in my class." I thought 

"Soph?!" Jen asked clicking her fingers in my face.

"What-Yeh?" I asked snapping back into the real world. "Okayy! seyaa!" I sighed and lent against the wall as he walked away. Next stop torture! I thought as the curly haired boy and his friends walked over to me.

"Well, fancy seeing you here!" Louis said putting his hand on the wall. The other two had crowed round. 

"Where's Jennifer? She sick of you too?" Zayn commented.

"No, shes in a different class." I muttered. "Whats your problem with me?" I asked Louis.

"Nothing except you just being in the way." Harry replied.

"Oh okay! I'm the one in the way!" I replied, anger was getting the better of me. I am never like this but to be quite honest I hadn't done anything.

"Listen-" Harry started. But we had to go in class I picked up my bag and walked in standing as far away as I could from them.

"Sophia isn't it?" The blonde girl asked me.

"Erm yeah, your Chloe aren't you?" I smiled at her.

"Yeah, nice to meet you" she replied smiling at me. "I see you and Louis, Harry and Zayn Love each other." She said

"Dont get me started" I sighed "I don't even know why but they just hate me!" I slumped against the wall.

"Don't worry, they aren't in alphabetical order with Miss Stewart. But she puts us in places of levels or something." Chloe explained.

"Thank'God! One less lesson i have to sit next to Louis!"

She sat the whole class down. I was next to the one, the only LOUIS! Out of the whole class! I mean come on!! It wasn't that bad because Chloe was on my table but we had Zayn. (-_-).

I just wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry. My first day of school and i'm already hated and hate it!

"LISTEN UP CLASS!" The booming voice made everyone shut up fast!

"I have a letter for you, its important. It's about the School trip to the Zoo! EVERYONE HAS to go. You'll be grouped up in fours!" She handed out the letters.

"It had to be in our tables didn't it?" I said to Chloe, Glaring at Louis.

"This will be fun!" He smirked and looked at Zayn.

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