Chapter 4- You've what?!

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Jen's POV

My alarm went off and I got out of bed. I found my demin shorts and a baggy blouse with some ankle socks and my pink converse. I put my make-up on and put my hair into a pony. My hair was naturally straight so my hair didn't take a lot of messing with. I slipped my owl necklace over my head collected my bag and walked across the road to meet with Sophia.

"Hello!" She greeted me as she walked out her house.

"Heyy! You seem in a good mood?" I asked as she shut the front gate.

"No reason. I have just started my art project again and its well better then before!" She smiled as we set off down the pavement. I heard a few mumble and a couple of laughs and turned around. 

"What day is it?" I asked Sophia. She looked confused but answered.

"Tuesday, why?" 

"That explains why!" I sighed to myself and walked just slightly fast. Sophia realised and did the same.

"Explains what? What are you on about?" She was absolutely puzzled I'm not sure if she even knew they were behind us.

"Well basically only once a week, Tuesday. All the boys meet at Luke's before school. Resulting in them walking from where we walk, and there you have it. This will be good." I explained.

Sophia was just about to turn around when-

"OI, why you here?" Zac shouted over. Her head snapped back to me and we just carried on walking.

"Scared!!" He shouted over. I was getting angry at him. We had done nothing only walking. I knew Sophia wouldn't say anything she's too shy. Not that its a bad thing or anything but we need to stand up to them.

"Scared of you?! Haha. Sit down Zac!" I shouted behind me and carried on walking.

"Oh yeah-!" Zac started but someone stopped him

"Just leave it eh mate?" Sophia and I stopped in our tracks and turned round to see Luke had said that. He was one of the worst! I actually couldn't believe it.  Luke shot a sympathetic smile in our direction and Sophia slightly blushing smiled back. The boys all turned to face us again her face quickly changed and we carried on to school.

"What was that about?" I questioned nudging Sophia's arm.

"What I don't know it's Zac isn't it?" She shrugged 

"No i don't mean Zac that's normal I mean Luke. He stuck up for us/you!" I smirked at her.

"Has somebody got a crush on little Sophia over here?" I nudged her again.

"NO, EWW it's Luke (no-offence) But we are kinda friends.." She admitted.

"What? How? When? Why? You've made friends with 1/5 of the enemy?!!" I threw all these questions at her but I didn't understand what happened.

"Well last night his family invited their new neighbours over for tea (my family). And guess what, it was Luke's Family. And he isn't a bad guy on his own, it just Zac and George and all them that edge him on. Seriously!" She said smiling slightly at the thought.

"Ermm....okayy." i just went with it. "whatever floats your boat!" I smiled she playfully hit me. By this time we were at school. 

Sophia's POV

I don't think Jen likes the idea of me and Luke being sort of friends. she still hasn't fully told me about this whole thing between her and Chloe to do with the 'populars'. Maybe that is the reason.

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