Chapter 11 - I think I might have lost....

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Sophia's POV

I woke up at 6:30am. The usual for a Monday morning. I wasn't that tired and was not really bothered about school. I have  the boys, Jen, Claudia and Jay now so I was quite enjoyed it.

I went through my normal morning routine. I went outside remembering Jen wasn't walking today so went to call for Zayn.

"Heyy, can I walk with you today?" I smiled as Zayn stood at the door. 

"Yeah, corse let me grab my bag." He smiled.

He grabbed his bag and we headed to school.

"Where's Jen? Zayn asked shutting the front gate.

"Oh, not sure. She isn't walking today so I came for you. You know if your ever not walking with the boys give me a quick text and we'll come call for you." I smiled 

"Ok, thank you!" he smiled. We made some random conversation about life and stuff. We got to school and met the boys. 

"Heyy!" Louis shouted over as we walked into the yard.

"Hey," I replied smiling. A few more hello's where passed round.

"Has anyone seen Jen this morning?" I asked looking round.

"No, I haven't" Harry replied.

"nope! Maybe she got up late or something so got a lift?" Niall added.

"She's probably doing something to do with her flute exam actually.." I smiled realizing how stupid i'd been. 

We went into the canteen and I bought some toast. I was starving. I'd just bought it and the form bell when. I ripped the toast in half giving Niall some because he missed breakfast and we went to form.

Jen still wasn't here. So I sat at the back with the boys. I saw Chloe walking in. We haven't talked for ages but I didn't really like her after what happened with Jen.

"Morning Class. Please be quiet so I can do the register!" She shouted all the room was silent and looked towards the front.

Alot of 'yes sir''s were said around the class. Then we just talked as usual. There was a knock at the door. We all ignored it but you could hear Mr Jackson's loud "COME IN!" he always says when he is answering the door since he is too lazy to get up. Haha, he's worse than me!

"Harry! You can't say that to Miss Carlton!" I exclaimed. Harry was trying to think of an excuse for not having his book since he has forgotten it yet again. The 5th time?? something like that. She will go ballistic!!

"It's not my fault i don't want to get sent to head! I can't think of anything else to say!" 

"Just say you sle--..." I just stopped frozen. I couldn't believe who was at the door. Jen and Kimmi!

"Soph!" Harry shouted waving his hand in front of my face. He turned around to see what i was looking at.

"Oh god!" He took the word right out of my mouth. She was wearing her skirt showing her bum cheeks and a face full of nutella! She was covered thick foundation and mascara!

She saw us, well Louis! Her face lit up. She grabbed a chairs shoved it in between Louis and Niall practically throwing Niall on the floor!

"Hey guys!" she smiled. She got a few half-hearted hey's but I don't think anyone really liked her.

I turned to Harry as she was flirting with Louis, He looked back sympathetically.

Do you remember when I said I am quite enjoying school? I don't think it'll be for much longer.

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