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2 weeks later and it was getting warmer every day. The boys were going to America in 2 months, and thankfully Louis had kept his mouth shut and hadn’t told Liam. I was currently sitting outside on the ground playing with Jasper. He was getting so much older! Now he could sit up! Harry and Louis were in the pool messing about, and Niall, Liam, Zayn and I were all sitting in a circle, Jasper in the middle to stop him running off and into the pool.

“We should go on holiday soon.” Liam said.

“Yeah, maybe to Spain or somewhere?” Niall said. I kind of froze when he said that. Going to Spain meant flying. No one knew about my flying fright. It wasn’t that I was scared of crashing; it was being trapped on a plane for so many hours made me feel claustrophobic. I then had a panic attack and then I got scared of falling. Basically, I think I did something in my previous life that made god hate me.

“What do you think, Ro?” Liam asked. I nodded my head and handed Jasper a toy, which he then started to chew on.

“I’ll ask the boys and then book the flights.” Zayn said, getting up and walking over to the boys in the pool.

“Aww, he’s teething.” Niall cooed. I looked up and smiled at him.

“Should we get dinner?” Liam asked. Everyone in the circle nodded, including Jasper, but probably not for the same reason as us.


I went upstairs and put Jasper into his bed, that was in Liam’s room tonight, and walked back downstairs just as the boys came through with food.

“What are we having tonight?” I asked.

“Indian.” Someone said. I nodded and sat down, grabbing the occasional curry or rice.

Soon everyone’s plates were empty, Niall’s third, and we were piling into the living room. Just as I was about to get comfortable, I heard an ear piercing cry come from the baby monitor on the table. I groaned and was about to get up, but Liam grabbed my arm and pushed me back down.

“I’m going.” He smiled. I nodded, thankful, and relaxed into the chair. I saw Liam walk down the stairs with the crying baby in his arms and then walk into the kitchen. 3 minutes later and he was back out with the baby happily sucking on the bottle. He came and sat down, and I leant my head on his shoulder, staring down at our baby. The boys all seemed to stare at us for some reason, but I thought nothing of it and continued to do what I was doing.

Baby Steps. [Sequel to MBD]Where stories live. Discover now