"Who's been in my room?"

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I woke up to the sound of a screaming baby.

"Really." I groaned. Liam was on a date and left me with Jasper. I sound like a really bad parent but it's hard when he's waking up every two hours. I think he might be ill.. 

I walked down the stairs to hear the crying stopped. I grew suspicious and walked in to the room to find Niall cradling the small child. I smiled and walked in. Niall was mumbling to the Jasper.

"Hey." he said. 

"hi." I yawned. 

"Thanks." I said to him, smiling. He nodded and put Jasper into his cot. 

"Night Rowan." Niall said giving me a hug and walking into his room. I walked into LIam's room, not stopping smiling. He was so cute. 

Niall, even though Jasper is pretty cute. 


I woke up to a door slamming, some giggling and then some noises you don't want to know about. I groaned, guessing Liam was back. I knew he'd end up wanting to be in his room, where I currently was, soon so I quickly got out of the duvet and walked up into my own room snuggling under the cold duvet. I was about to get comfortable when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said sleepily. Niall walked in, topless may I add, and started speaking.

"Liam's back and um, he's a bit um loud.." He started, rubbing the back of his kneck.

"Yes Niall you can sleep here." I laughed. He started to walk over to a chair in the wardrobe part of my room and I laughed.

"What?" He asked smiling.

"Get in the bed." I told him, smiling.

"Someone's a bit eager.." Niall said walking over. When he was in the bed I threw a pillow on his head and laughed, the same as he did. I turned over so I was looking at Niall and snuggled into the pillow that our heads werent leant on.

"Night Nialler." I said. He reached over and kissed my nose before saying night too.


 Everyone was sitting in the living room eating pizza, including Angela unfortunatley. 

I heard Jasper start to cry again and got up, as well as Niall. We've started going to see Jasper a lot more often together now. It was weird. A good weird. 

"If you two are going to be having sex 24/7 now, please not so loud. I need my beauty sleep." I heard Louis say. I laughed a little and so did Niall whilst we sorted out Jasper. 

"You coming down?" Niall asked me after we'd sorted out Jasper.

"I'm just going to go check something in my room." I told him. He nodded and smiled. I smiled back and walked up into my room. When I got there it was a mess. For starters the floor and nearly all the furniture was covered in water. My bed wasn't made like Niall had made it this morning and all of my shoes and clothes were covered in water on the floor. I gasped and walked through the water into the bathroom, turning off the taps and running down the stairs. 

"Who's been in my room?" I asked, glaring at Angela. No one said anything which made me madder.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked getting up placing his hands on my shoulders. 

"There's water all over the floor, my clothes and shoes are all ruined and everything is ruined." I almost cried. Niall wrapped his arms around me in a hug as everyone gasped, running up the stairs. After a few minutes of Niall and I standing there they came back and started questioning. 

"You'll have to sleep somewhere else." Zayn said. 

"Who can I sleep with?" I asked. 

"No Harry." I said, hitting him in the head because he took it the wrong way. 

"You can come into mine Row." Niall said.I nodded and Smiled.

"Rowan, don't get pregnant again." Louis said.

Baby Steps. [Sequel to MBD]Where stories live. Discover now