Chapter 25(Unedited)

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After the amazing breakfast that the amazing guys made us we all went away in groups. Brent lead Celeste and I towards his house.
"Papa that breakfast was so yummy. I like waking up to a surprise like that." Celeste softly said walking between us holding our hands and swing from our arms every now and then.
"Thank you Princess the guys and I enjoyed planning it." Brent answered with a cute little blush on his face. I was excited this was the first time that I would get to see his house.
"What are we doing at your house Papa?" Celeste asked letting go of our hands and skipping ahead of us.
"I thought I would show my girls the room that the guys and I did while you guys rested and played dress up last night. While you two were having a blast we men were sweating and heavy lifting to get your room perfect." He softly kidded us. In his mind I could feel the pride he felt of being able to do all that and the glee he felt thinking back on all the teasing and fun the guys had. He led the way up the porch and through the hall. "Over there is the game room and through the door to the left of the wall is the kitchen. Past the stairs is the living room and downstairs is my fathers office, the betas office, and the thirds office."
"What's this door here?" Celeste said walking up to a door to the left of the front door.
"This is my mothers work space. Want to see it?" He asked her.
"Would it be alright with her?" I asked interested to see where the Luna spent her time.
"Of course I wouldn't darling." Selena said coming up to us from the downstairs with Toby. She went to the double French door and pushed them open then stepped to the side and let us inside.
"WOW!!!! It's so pretty." Celeste said. I seconded the feeling the room was breath taking. I was a big room with tall white vaulted ceilings. The walls were a soft green color that felt very comforting and welcoming and a chocolate brown carpet. Against one wall there was a stark white desk with brown cushioned chairs. Sitting on the desk was a Dell Laptop on one side and a few pictures on the other with a desk calendar and notepad sitting in the middle. Behind the desk was a large window with a forest view that had a small white shelf underneath that had brown cloth baskets that stood as organizers. On top sat a HP printer and a small iPod stereo docking system. The windows were all framed with brown curtains. On the other wall sat a white bookcase framing a smaller window that showcased a perfectly placed flower garden in the front yard and small love seat and arm chairs in a brown color. The last wall was amazing. It showcased hand painted brown frames. Inside the frames where pictures. They all had couples within them. The one at the top showed a picture of the packs first Alpha Brent's great great grandfather and grandmother. Underneath that picture were pictures of all their kids and so on and so fourth. The frames of the next generation of Alpha was ornate and more broad. Under Toby and Selena's picture was one of Brent and I that was taken by Troy at the party. Then under our picture was one of Celeste laughing. I walked over and brushed them with my hand softly.
"You are a part of our family tree. Toby's mother started this tree and I add to it as our family grows," Selena came over with the others. Brent wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. Toby bent down and picked up Celeste. After he had her settled Selena turned to them, "Are you ready to see your room honey?"
"Yesss!" She squealed and Toby turned and led the way to the third floor.
"The first door here is our room. The one at the end is a closet. On the right is Brent's room and on the left is your room sweet pea." Toby said pointing at the doors while he walked. He stopped at a door painted a soft purple. There was a scripted scrawl across the top saying Celeste. He put her down and gestured to have her open the door. She twisted a small knob and we followed her into the room. It was about the same size as her one at home. It had a bathroom to onside that was painted a soft pink and had a beautiful silver claw footed white tub and a porcelain sink. The toilet had a white cabinet over the top for storage and nestled into the corner was a glass shower. The room was the prettiest bathroom I've ever seen. Hanging from the center of the ceiling in there was a crystal chandelier with lights hidden inside. The bedroom was even more breath taking. The walls were a light periwinkle color with a sky blue ceiling and matching carpeting. There was a corner picture window that had a pillow top bench nestled between two book cases. Another corner of her room was set up as a play area that had every toy a little girl could ask for as well as a small television and a huge collection of Disney and Barbie movies. There was a small rug underneath it all. Off to the side of the play area was a packed pull of clothing closet with a dresser and shoe rack inside. Her bed was awe inspiring. It was round and was big enough that Brent and I could both lay on it with her. It dangled about two feet off the ground. There were strong looking cords going to the rafter that were covered with fabric. It was gathered to the side and looked like it could drape over the opening kind of like a cocoon.
"Oh my gosh I love it!!!! Grandpa, Papa come play with me please!!!!!!" Celeste said running to the play kitchen in the toy area. They chuckled and followed.
"Claire and I are going to be in my office." Selena said beaming at them playing while I snapped a picture. Then she linked her arm with mine and lead the way down the stairs. As we got to the bottom we found Troy, Izzy, Nessie, and Nelson coming in the door.
"Did you see Celeste's room?" Troy asked beaming.
"I did and it's breath taking. Thank you for helping them set it up. She's up there playing with Brent and Toby." I said smiling.
"No problem it was so much fun. We brought the girls to show them, we'll catch up with you later." Nelson said smiling and leading everyone up the stairs. Selena and I went into her office and sat on the couch.
"Everything about your home is breath taking. This office is so inviting. I can only imagine how comfortable anyone coming in here for a problem or advice would feel." I said gazing around.
"Thank you darling. I must say everyone seems to relax just walking through the door. The problems seem to become easier as the settle and its easier to take care of." She answered.
"Your an amazing Luna Selena." I said with a nervous smile.
"You well be too honey. I can tell that this is something that your worried about. Tell me..?" She said softly reading the fear that I had yet to voice to anyone.
"I'm worried. Once Brent becomes Alpha then I'll take the position as Luna. That adds on to my responsibilities as the Alpha to the Huntresses. I'm really just following my instincts as the Alpha. I love my little pack and I can't imagine giving up the position but I can't even tell if I'm good enough to be their Alpha let alone being the Luna to another pack. Fighting and magic I can do. It's what I've trained for but being kind, soft, homely, and understanding I can't even figure out where to start. There are so many things going through my mind. Will I have to stop being Alpha? How would I stop if I do? Can I actually be a Luna? Can I handle both responsibilities? What if I let everyone down?" I couldn't help every thought I had came spilling out and all the stress built up and I started crying. I covered my face embarrassed. I felt Selena shift closer and wrap her arms around me.
"Your over thinking everything. You are a remarkable young woman and an amazing Alpha. You may not realize it but the difference between you and the male Alphas is that you give the same care as a Luna. I've seen it myself honey, you can be soft and sweet or hard and strong depending on what's happening around you. Toby and I have talked about the roles facing you. We both agree that you will excel at both challenges with amazing grace. We believe that the Great Luna couldn't have made a more perfect choice for our sons mate. I don't believe for a minute that you would let any one of us down." Selena said stroking my hair. Suddenly the couch dipped beside me and strong arms replaced the soft ones that were once around me.
"As for stopping being the Alpha of the Huntresses I would never ask that of you. You are an amazing Alpha and I am honored that you were gifted to be my mate. I want to learn from you as I have from my father to be such a great Alpha, hell even the other packs in your Guards have commented on how amazing and strong you are. I will always be here to help you if you need it as you will if I need it. Being mates means we are a team. We are equal and I plan to ask your advise on problems I come across as I hope you will with me. We also have my father to ask if we have need of him. We are planning to build a new pack house big enough for the both of us." Brent spoke from above my head where he rested his cheek. A small form crawled up on my lap and snuggled against my neck. I glanced up to find Toby standing behind his wife sending me an encouraging smile. Kneeling down in front of me was Troy, Izzy, Nessie, and Nelson looking at me with concern and understanding. I buried my face in Celeste's hair embarrassed.
"Don't be embarrassed honey. The eight of us are all connected to you both through the bond as Guards and the link between you and your daughter we all felt your distress and came down in time to hear you talking to my wife." Toby said laying a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at his words and saw everyone nodding. I hadn't known that the bond would do that.
"Girl you know we've got your back and we'll help with anything that you need us to with the Huntresses. Also we would've fought tooth and nail if they tried to have you step down as our Alpha. You've done amazing with us." Nessie said with a smile.
"Yeah even when we didn't make it easy on you to deal with us." Izzy said laughing.
"We've got your back too. Anything you need all you have to do is let us know and we'll be there. You already feel like our Luna so don't worry on that count. The pack talks of nothing but how awed they are to have you with us." Troy stated with Nelson nodding.
'Hey girly. Tana and Mazer's children are at the house asking for you. They've got a scouting report already.'Lettie said thorough our mind link.
'Thank you we'll be there in about 15 minutes.' I answered and felt her acknowledgment.
"Lettie says that Tana and Mazer's children are at our pack house asking for us so that they can give us a scouting report. Let's go." I said then connected with the other two Alphas and asked them to meet us there. After feeling their affirmative I looked at everyone in the room. "Thank you guys for calming me down. I feel a lot better about all of this knowing that I have your support. I don't feel 100% confident that I can do it but I know I want to try. I promise to come to you all if I need too."
I received smiles all around.
"Group hug!!!" declared the little one in my arms. She turned around and threw her arms around my neck. Everyone laughed. Then I was engulfed in a ginormous hug. I just smiled at how absolutely blessed I felt.
_________________________________Authors Note________________________________________

Hey my lovely amazing readers

I'm so sorry for being away for so long. Things got quite really for a bit there what with graduating college(holy cow) and moving home(double holy cow) To those of you who stuck with the story Thank you for being awesome and sticking through the messy move, finals stress where I developed the worst case of writers block. Honestly starting this chapter I still had it but I got through it. Your comments have meant everything. So did you love it or hate it? I think we're getting to the end of this book. Maybe a few more chapters. Let me know if you liked it.

<3 neebug1993

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