Chapter 20(Unedited)

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'Economics is so hard and boring. How are we supposed to be able to pass a class with a reputation like that.' Troy said through our mind-link as the teacher droned on about something or other. I had to agree it was very hard to pay attention.

'Can we just talk about Nessie's moment in the hallway? Seriously she just put the blonde in blonde moment.' Nelson chimed in harmlessly picking on the blonde beauty. This caused me and Troy to have to hold in our laughter.

'Yeah that was great. It'll be stuck in my head for a long time. On a more serious note the girls are going to train us tonight how to harness their powers. I'm anxious to try them. I hope it'll be easy to harness.' I said.

'Same here.' Nelson and Troy agreed.

'What happened this morning with Kendra?' Troy asked. I'm so lucky to have friends like these two they know when there's something on my mind. I explained the small thing that went down between Kendra and I outside Claire's first class.

'I just wanted to do it the right way you know ask her fathers permission, buy a ring, and plan some huge romantic thing to ask her to marry me and the surprise of it had to be ruined because Kendra doesn't know how to lay off.' I finished feeling slightly depressed about my plan being ruined.

'Hey man don't think like that. Claire will love any way you choose to ask her to marry you. She knows that you want to but that doesn't mean that she knows what you plan. Let's put our heads together and think of something that will be unforgettable.' Nelson said and made me feel hope again. We sat there and planned out multiple ideas. Troy was writing down the good ones.


I love biology. Right now I get to catch up with my girls. It feels like its been forever. Right now we are doing an experiment.

"Hey girls what do you think of kicking the guys out and getting all the girls together for a girls night in? We can invite Selena and my mom." I said as I wrote down some steps.

"I think that sounds perfect and so much fun. Celeste will love it. I know a few men who won't though. Shall we do it tonight?" Nessie asked. We both nodded so I mind-linked my pack, my mother and Selena.

'Hey guys the girls and I were thinking a girls night needs to happen before this battle happens. We were thinking tonight hair, make-up, movies, and junk food. What do you guys think?' I asked.

'Heck to the yeah I'm in. I'll bring the hair stuff. I have a style I've been dying to try on your hair Luna Selena.' Lettie says.

'That sounds like fun. I'm in.' Tabby agrees.

'If you call in the order for pizza I can go pick it up with Tina and I can bring some tunes.' Auburey says.

'I'm in. I'll swing by my house and grab my Disney movies.' was Tina's input.

'Oh girls that sounds lovely but won't it be a downer to have two moms there?' Selena asked not wanting to ruin our teenage fun.

'Noooo your so invited.' was the thought's echoed from all of us to her.

'Please agree to come Selena. It'd be nice to have another around my age there because they always include me in this. Trust me with these girls you don't feel the age difference and with our kids being mates it's be nice to get to know each other better.' my mother puts in.

'And hey if you want to bring adorable baby pictures of Brent that's totally ok with us. If you so happen to have ones of Troy and Nelson to add in there even better.' Izzy puts in making us all chuckle.

'Ok I'm in.' Selena says.

'Ok so our house tonight after training.' I say and after hearing the agreements I turn off the mind-link. The rest of the class flew by as did english nothing eventful happened soon it was lunch time. The guys walked us to the cafeteria and the whole place went quiet when we walked in. Everyone seemed to snap out of it and call out hellos.

"What would you like to eat butterfly?" my handsome man asks me.

"Hmm, usually I get a salad because the food here doesn't always look appitizing but todays spicy chicken so I think I'll get that." I said making him smile.

"We'll take two of everything, and you can save yourself a dish and put everything on one tray." he tells the lunch lady who smiles and complied quickly. When we get to the area to pay the lady for our food he punches in his number and tells the lady that both of the lunches goes to his account.

"You know you don't have to buy me lunch." I say as we wait for the others.

"But I want to sweetie." He answers. It's a small thing and I know his wolf and him are proving that they can provide for me so I let it go.

"So hey tonight we're stealing your mom and kicking out my dad for a girls night ok?" I tell him.  I don't want to spend another night away from him but I know my girls are going to need this after the stressful night of training and I want to be closer to his mother.

"Ok, we'll just have to have a guys night since your dad will most likely crash at our place. What do you think guys?" Brent asked Nelson and Troy leading the way to the table that the girls and I usually sit at surprising the gang.

"Ahhh yeah. I see the rematch of Call of Duty coming on." Nelson says giving Troy a high five while pulling over extra chairs. Brent sits next to me with Troy and Izzy on one side and Nelson and Nessie on the other.

"Hey do you guys wanna join a guys night?" Brent said looking at the men of our table. The girls had already been invited. So the rest of lunch we sat there and planned the nights.

:Later on that day:


"Ok, I want you all to take a calm relaxing breath and think inside yourselves. Connect with your innerself." I said to the Guards. They did as I asked. Then a hand touched mine and I looked down into deep grey eyes.

"Hello Alpha. I was wondering if I could speak to you for a moment." said a soft yet strong voice.

"Sure, Izzy you and Nessie take over." I said before placing my hand on her back and guiding her a good distance away.

"What can I help you with?" I asked. I feel I might know the answer.

"My birthday was two nights ago. I should've been able to shift but I haven't. There's a terrible pain inside when I do and I feel like I'm stuck. My wolf is confused as to what's happening but has been pushing me to talk to you.My names Carly by the way." she answered.

"Well hello Carly darling. I believe I know what the problem is. I'm glad that I was keeping an eye on the right person and I am so happy to give you this because now we are complete." I say reaching into the pocket of Brent's hoodie and taking her hand and covering it with mine. Withdrawing my hand she stares down in shock at the solid black crystal that started to glow the minute it touched her hand. She looked up at me and through her arms around my neck in a hug before shifting in my arms.

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