Chapter 18(Unedited)

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After we got done singing it took a few minutes to get our schoolmates to calm down.
"That was breath taking girls, thank you. That song captured the thoughts I wanted to get across today." Principal Hackert said with a hand on both of our shoulders. She allowed us to make our way back to our seats. Brent's look of utter pride made me feel great and all my nerves that I was feeling died away.
"That was amazing Butterfly, Your so talented. You both are." He said praising Auburey.
"I just sang it. This talented girl wrote it." I said leaning down and wrapping her into a big hug. At that moment the yearbook leader came over with a camera and caught our attention before capturing a picture of the two of us. Auburey was blushing and beaming at the praise that she was getting. When Brent's friend Thad joined in her entire face turned beet red.
"Claire I swear is there anything that you girls aren't good at?" Nelson asked us before I could think any farther into what I just witnessed.
"Hmmmm, yeah there is one thing that we aren't good at. That's having confidence in ourselves. We can act like it but in the end its just a act but we're working on it. Also I can not climb a tree." I said after thinking on it. The tree comment caused everyone to start laughing. "Seriously I can't climb a tree and its very frustrating. How you all make it look so easy is beyond me. I end up falling out because my leg and arm are wanting to be in the same area which I guess doesn't work all that well." I said causing them to laugh harder at me. Turning to Brent I saw him trying his hardest not to laugh but was failing. I pouted at him. To which he was able to start chuckling.
"We'll see if we can teach you Butterfly. You happen to be dating the champion of tree climbing." He said placing a kiss in the center of my forehead causing me to smile at what he said and the tingles that flowed throughout my body.
"Ok so those of you who got the slips handed out to you yesterday for being chosen to go on the trip to the nature preserve with your families please meet up at the buses at promptly 2:30. Other than that you are all free to go to second period." Principal Hackert said releasing us. I don't wanna leave Brent.
'I know the feeling sweetie I'll walk you to class.' he said sensing what I was feeling. I nodded and stood up with him. Everyone followed our lead. He kept a hand on my shoulder as we walked down the bleachers steadying me when my balance was off. When we finally made it to the bottom he slid his hand across my shoulder down my spine to rest in the center of my lower back. I shivered at the feeling as the others caught up. Just as we were about to leave a small girl stumbled off the bottom step of the bleachers and right into me. We both started falling as I tried to catch her. Brent caught me and steadied both of us.
"I'm so sorry, I stepped wrong and next thing I knew I was going down." She said before looking up at us all. When she did she went pale. "Oh my god I just almost knocked down Claire. I am so so so so sorry." she said with her face heating up. She looked mortified.
"Hey, Hey its ok honey. It was a accident and you most certainly didn't hurt me. I am more worried about you, you did take a big tumble from there are you ok?" I asked, she looked surprised and nodded. "Well then there was no harm done and we can move on. I'm Claire. I'm a Senior." I said holding out my hand to her.
"I'm Carly.I'm a Freshman." She said placing her hand in mine. The girl was shaking so I followed my instincts and gave her a hug. She seem surprised but quickly relaxed and returned my hug.
"It's nice to meet you Carly. I hope to see you around." I said causing her to smile, nod and with a wave she ran off.
"Always gotta be a mother hen ehh girly?" Izzy said causing me to remember that they were still behind me. Turning I saw that everyone had a soft smile on their faces. I just smiled back and led the way out of the gym. We all went our separate ways vowing to meet up with each other at lunch. I smiled when I heard Nelson and Troy ask Izzy and Nessie if they could walk them to class the girls looked baffled but the agreed easily.
"Something's up with those four isn't it?" Brent asked me after they had walked away.
"I think so." I said as we reached my locker and I opened it. Putting everything where it belonged I saw that Brent was admiring my organized locker.
"It seems so much bigger than mine. I know it's the same size but wow." He said causing me to giggle.
"It's because I organized it to maximize space. You know there's enough room for more books and some other stuff if you want to add to it." I said the last part shyly. He looked at me and beamed.
"I would love too. We'll move my stuff in after school." He said looking like I had just handed him the world. "What's your class schedule?" He asked.
"Well first period Calculus, second A.P Bio, third I have College English II then theres lunch, four period is Gym, and then fifth period is Art. How about you?" I finished pulling out my calculus book and closing the door. Looking at him he looked slightly shocked.

Troy wasn't kidding when he said that she was smart. I was surprised when she told Carly that she was a senior but I could understand it now.
"Your seriously amazing."I said pulling her books out of her arms and sliding it under mine before pulling her hand into mine and walking towards her class. I had put my stuff for my first class in Troys locker and he was going to bring it to class for me. "I have Trigonometry first period, Government second, Economics third period, then lunch, gym fourth and study hall last." I said stoping outside her classroom. She turned and smiled at me.
"If you ever get board in study hall you can come visit me in art. It's a independent study. So Mr. Cramer just let me hang out there and paint or sketch." She said with a smile.
"Oh I'll keep that in mind. Have a good class wait for me out here and I'll walk you to biology." I said handing her the books I was holding and kissing her lightly on the cheek. She smiled and walked into the classroom.
I turned to go and ran into Kendra the schools stuck up girl. She's human and believes that everything should go her way. Shes been trying to get me to go to parties and stuff with her but I was never interested in her need to use a lot of body spray and cake the make up on. Plus her bleach blonde hair didn't go with the color of her skin and I didn't like the reveling clothes she always insisted on wearing.
"Why are you wasting your time with shy little Claire? She's not your type. I am." She demanded. I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry Kendra but she's totally my type and I plan to marry that girl so you'll have to find another guy to pester." I said walking away leaving her there steaming and not noticing that my mate stood at the door with a shocked look of pride on her face.

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