Chapter 27(unedited)

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About 20 minutes later we pulled into the parking lot at the mall. The ride had gone by quickly with the girls singing along to the radio. Apparently Claire wasn't the only singer among the group the others were pretty good too. The guys and I had even joined in on a few songs.
'I can already see her relaxing a bit.' Troy stated through our link. Looking at her I could see the worry ease from her face and a smile form.
'This was a really good idea.' I answered as we both turned to look at the group in the back.
"Ok so what's the plan? Where all are we wanting to hit while we are here?" Claire asked the group.
"I wanna go to the Disney store!!" Celeste stated.
"Hot Topic!" Izzy and Nessie said at the same time.
"Game Stop for us." Troy said.
"Ok so here's the plan. Let's go to the Disney first. Game Stop and Hot Topic are right across from each other so we can meet up in one of those then make a quick stop at Justice cause Celeste is in need of some new dress shoes." Claire said mapping it all out. We all smiled at her planning everything in detail but agreed and got out heading in.
"Wanna piggy back ride Angel?" Niles asked Celeste who beamed and nodded. Nessie bent down and lifted her to his back.
"I don't think that we have been to the Disney store since like 5th grade." Troy stated.
"Dude your missing out they've got cool stuff in there." Izzy stated looking at him like he was crazy. Walking through the Mickey Mouse shaped door we couldn't tell who was more excited the little girl or her mom and aunts. Celeste got down off of Niles's back and pulled grabbed my mates hand pulling her to the dress up clothes. Soon they were giggling over the different outfits that were hanging there. We all chuckled watching Celeste put a sparkly crown on her moms head.
"Check out these mugs out you guys." Izzy said showing us different coffee mugs and cups.
"Hey they've got the Lion King. Sweet." Troy said picking up a few.
"Do you girls know what Claire's favorite Disney movie is??" I asked them.
"She loves them all but Peter Pan is her absolute favorite." Nessie said. I smiled because that was my favorite one as well. I looked through the cups until I found one that I like. It was a larger travel water bottle and had the characters flying off to Neverland.
"That's her favorite quote." Izzy said pointing to the other side. Flipping it over I read..
'You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting.' ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan. I smiled because it was perfect. I also got a small tumbler cup with tinker bell on it for my other girl and walked over to find the two holding a dress themed after Cinderella and another for Brave.
"Papa which one do you think I should get? I can't decide." My little princess stated looking completely bamboozled. I smiled down at them and then looked at the two with my complete concentration.
I giggled as Brent focused all his concentration on the two dress up outfits. I was thinking I'd probably just get them both. Celeste never really asks me for anything so when she does I tend to get everything she was interested in but I figured that watching my handsome mate pour so much thought into it was amusing. He was standing there with a thoughtful look on his face scratching his chin. He's even gone as far as to take each one and hold them up in front of her. The rest of the gang came over and where watching the exchange with grins.
"Did you guys find anything?" I asked them.
"Coffee mugs, look it I found a Ariel one!!" Izzy said holding up the one she found with a giant grin. Looking at the others I saw that Nessie had a Belle one, Troy had a Buzz Lightyear and Niles was showing me one with the Lion King on it.
"I think we'll just have to get both of them because you'd look too cute." Brent said scooping up the two dresses and leading the way towards the check out.
"I can get them." I told him after scooping Claire up. The gang went about cashing out their purchases.
"Nope I'm good. I had a few other things to buy anyhow." He said pulling us close as the lady started scanning the stuff.
"Thank you Papa." Celeste said leaning over and kissing his cheek. I just smiled and kissed the other. After we pulled away he was smiling and the cashier beamed at us.
"You make an adorable family." She said swiping Brent's card. We smiled and thanked her walking out with the group.
"We'll meet up with you guys at game stop." Izzy said as we got to our next stops.
"Can I go with Papa?" Celeste asked me. I smiled and nodded at her. She got down and grabbed his hand and I kissed his cheek and we wondered off.
"So are you feeling a bit better girl?" Nessie asked me.
"I am thank you guys for giving me sometime away from it all. I'm so embarrassed you guys saw me so emotional." I answered going over to the superhero stuff and looking through it.
"Don't be. How are we supposed to help if we don't know your stressed. I'm used to feeling some of what you are but that was intense. Troy said the same." Izzy said pulling out a Wonder Woman tank top.
"I try to do better when it comes to sharing. Speaking of Troy... You two are getting pretty close. The same with you and Niles, Nes." I said with a smile on my face as I watched the two of them blush. They were smitten.
"I don't know. He's just really sweet and so much fun to talk too. Although he can get one your nerves real quick." Izzy said with a smile as she shook her head.
"Right. Niles is always catching me doing something weird and picking on me because of it. Like the other day I tripped down the stairs at school and who's the person that catches me at the bottom. He was really sweet with the catching and checking on me to make sure I was ok but then he started ribbing me about my grace. What a stinker." Nessie stated making us chuckle.
"Well I like it. The four of you make adorable couples." I stated pulling out a men's sized t-shirt with the batman emblem on the front. I also found a skater dress that had little symbols on it for batgirl. I held the two out thinking about it.
"Please tell me you are getting that. It'd be so cute to see you and Brent wearing something that matches." Izzy said nodding at the two things.
"You could wear it with those slashed up tights and my black motorcycle boots. Oh and barrow that lace backed cardigan from Izzy." Nessie said. She was holding a pair of Hogwarts sweatpants.
"Well you've just finished talking me into it." I said. We all chuckled and headed to the check out. While we waited for the cashier to finish with his customer. Three guys came in and walked right up to us. The little hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I got a uneasy feeling in my stomach.
"Well well what do we have here boys, looks like three beautiful she wolves." One said in a oily voice leaning forward and getting way to close to my personal space. He had longish hair that looked really oily and in need of some brushing. The others scooted closer to the girls.
"Please leave us alone. We're not interested." I said politely but firmly. Looking over I saw the cashier watching us cautiously and trying to get over to us but the customer kept asking him questions.
"Awe come on love why don't we get out of here and go have some fun?" He said grabbing my wrist and tugging it.
"Let go of me." I said warningly. Everything about this guy was giving me the creeps. Andreece didn't like that he was touching us with out our permission and wouldn't leave when we asked. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the girls in much the same predicament. When the guy that had a hold of me tightened his grip and started pulling more roughly I had enough. I dropped what was in my hand and grabbed his wrist pressing in on his pressure point. He let go of my arm as I pushed him away making him land on his butt. By this time the cashier had finally gotten over to us.
"Fred I've already told you you can't be doing that to the customers. This is the third time I've had to warn you. I've already called security." He said just as three guards came in with the guys following behind. Once they saw that something was going on involving us they rushed over and checked us out. By the time we got them calmed down the guards were pulling the three out of the store.
"I'm sorry about that girls. We've been having problems with those guys trying to hit on every female that comes in." The cashier said looking very upset at what had just happened. " I have asked that they not be aloud back in here but security said that the two incidents that have happened were enough. This will keep them out of here."
"It's ok. It wasn't your fault. They came in while you were helping someone and we honestly didn't see them till they were right in front of us." Izzy said as we all gathered our purchases. We continued to talk to him trying to get him to calm down as he cashed out our purchases. He gave us all 50% off everything we purchased even when we told him he didn't have to do such a thing. He just smiled and told us to have a good day.
"Well that was fun." I said as we walked out.
"We aren't leaving your side for the rest of the night." Brent announced with the boys nodding in agreement. He took the bag out of my hand and put it with his then pulled me close and bent to get Celeste. Niles and Troy stood closer to the girls.
"Let's get out of here and get some dinner. I think we've had enough fun for the night." I said with the others agreeing.
"Let's go to outback. I'm starving. " Exclaimed Celeste making us all chuckle and walk to the car.
~later that night.~
After a uneventful dinner we all decided to head home. I had dropped off everyone at their houses and was hanging stuff up in Celeste's closet.
"Momma my leg hurts." My little angel said walking over to me from the bathroom.
"I'll get you some Tylenol. Your growing up some more. We're gonna need to go buy some new clothes soon." I said grabbing some liquid medicine from the cabinet and filling up her cup with some water to wash down the awful taste.
"Oh yay more clothes. Can I get some jeans that we can decorate with little patches? We can go to goodwill and find some cute ones." She said excitedly after taking the medicine. "Do you think Papa will come too?"
"I sure will. We'll make it a family date thing." Brent said walking into the room with some muscle rub. "I brought you some of this stuff. It helped me when I was growing up."
"Oh that's cold." She squealed when we both put some on her legs and started to massage it in. After that we got up and washed our hands as she crawled under the covers and laid down. We tucked her in and then laid with her.
"Wanna watch some Disney channel until you fall asleep?" I asked. She nodded and Brent turned on the small tv in the corner. We all ended up falling asleep listening to Jessie solve a problem with one of the kids.
_____Authors Note _________________
Hey guys.
I'm back. There's absolutely no excuse for me to have been gone so long I apologize. I shall try to do better.

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