Chapter 4(unedited)

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"Ok spill it. You were staring at our hunk of an alpha all through lunch barely recognizing anything around you. If I didn't know better I'd say you guys were mates." Nessie said then stopped and stared at me. Izzy turned around and joined her. I just stood there in the middle of putting on my gym shirt and stared back with a sheepish smile on my face.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!No way no freaken way."They squealed in unison.

"Ok you got me. I found out during lunch I'm just as shocked as you are. Now Shush." I answered as soon as the other girls came in. They quieted down but still were giggling. Then the coach came in.

"Ok girls, todays going to be a different day. We are still playing tennis today but we are joining the boys gym class." she laughed at our fellow students squeals of glee.

We all followed her out to the courts where the boys would meet us.

"Alright warm up." She says pulling out the iPod radio and handing it to me. We always warm up this way. We dance to music till coach says to stop. Its usually two to three songs. Four songs later we were interrupted.

"I never thought of dancing as a warm up." I finished a spin to find the whole boys gym class watching us. The pair of green gold eyes on shocked face. They were mirrored in Troys and the future third in command Nelsons eyes

"My girls are good dancer with grate taste in music." our coach said. Then she turned to us, "Ok girls teams of three it's going to be girls against guys."

"Yes it's you girls against us guys. My class has decided that we are going to have some fun with this. So if they win you all have to run a four mile run with the tomorrow. If they loose however, the team of guys you play against is going to treat the girls team they play to a night out. The guys say that they are going to totally win."The guys coach said.

I already new that Nessie, Izzy and I were going to be a team. We always are. We've done stuff together since preschool.

"I wonder if Brent, Troy and Nelson are going to ask to play us?" Nessie whispered to us.

"Well I'd think so. I mean she is his mate."Izzy answered. I was so nervous I couldn't even participate in the conversation. That is until they started to tickle me. I am so ticklish that its crazy. My focus turned to them and trying to get away while laughing really hard.

"Would you girls mind playing against us?" A deep voice says from behind me making me jump. I turned around to the trio that we were just chatting about.

"Um....yeawedlovetoo." I said so quickly I ran all my words together and going even redder in the face.

"What she so articulately meant was we'd love to beat you guys. Im Izzy by the way and that's Nessie over there and of course you've met our "brain" Claire." Izzy said putting air quotes over brain. I gave her a stern look that cracked into a smile she was loving this. The boys chuckled as we took the court. Our team ended up winning.

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