Chapter 28(unedited)

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I woke up with my head on a strong chest. Looking around I see a very masculine looking room. The walls were a deep navy blue color with a cream colored ceiling with matching trim. The floor was a dark wood that looked almost black on the bed was a set of black and cream plaid blankets. The night stands, dresser, and computer desk were made out of a wood that matched the floor. On the walls were mixtures of pictures of wolves and muscle cars. Nestled in the far corner next to the door bathroom was a large tv on a glass stand. A DVD player, Xbox, and wii a a bunch of games surrounded the tv.
Lifting my head a bit I look at the face of my soul mate. He must have carried me in here after we fell asleep in Celeste room.
'We are so blessed to have such a thoughtful mate.' Andreece said in my mind.
'We truly are my dear.' I replied happily. Suddenly I became painfully aware that I was laying on my hand and it had fallen asleep. So I rolled over and laid my head against Brent's arm and gently flexed my hand looking at his night stand. His phone sat on a docking station lit up his lock screen was shuffling through pictures of us. There were ones that must have been snapped at his birthday party, ones of Celeste and I, ones of him and her, ones of the three of us and one that made me blush as it seemed to be the one that stayed on the screen the longest. It would seem that someone had been able to catch a picture of our first kiss.
"That's my favorite picture of all." Said a sleepy voice from behind me. He moved around so that he was snuggled against my back and have me a soft squeeze before rolling me on my back. "Good morning Beautiful. How did you sleep?"
"Good morning Handsome. I slept very well thank you." I answered reaching my arms up around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss. This started a make out session. Wasn't all that demanding just very enjoyable. He kissed down the side of my neck to where it met my shoulder and nuzzled his face against the skin there.
'Brent would you mark me?' I linked him. He froze. In the normal wolves when they marked each other they'd instantly start off the mating process by sending the female into heat. As elemental wolves we didn't have the problem of out of control hormones. We didn't go into heat and could choose when we wanted to complete the process at our own pace. For us marking means that we have fully accepted each other and pledge to bind our life's together because once we are marked there's no going back it also allows us to share wolves. Andreece would be in the back of Brent's mind as Sebastian would be in the back of mine.  Neither of us were ready to mate and we both knew that.
"Are you sure your ok with it?" Brent ask pulling back a little to look in my eye. In his mind I could feel that he was as ready to wear my mark as I was his. I smiled and nodded. His eyes darkened to a deep green that glowed showing me that Sebastian was close to the surface. He bent back to my neck and placed a soft kiss before biting me. It stung a little then I could feel our worlds shift. I felt Andreece raise the the surface and bit him in the same place. With my bite I felt our worlds settle. Pulling away we kissed before laying down cuddling.
'Hello my little butterfly.' I heard a deep voice in my head.
'Hello my handsome Sebastian.' I replied hearing him rumble at my use of his name.

Looking down I saw Claire snuggle against me with a satisfied smile while sneaking glances at her mark on my neck. I smiled at hers. It was like a tattoo of two wolves, one dark and the other light, sitting in front of a full moon snuggled against each other. Following the curve of the moon was my name in a curvy script. I hugged her closer feeling completely content to just lay there.
"Momma, Papa are you awake??" A soft voice called from the door before the knob turned and the door opened. In stepped out adorable daughter looking sleepy and holding a small stuffed wolf. We both smiled at her.
"Hey princess what are you doing up? It's only 6:30." I asked her.
"I woked up and felt lonely. My legs still kinda hurt. Can I come cuddle?" Celeste asked rubbing her eyes.
"Come here baby." Claire said rolling over and lifting the blankets. The little girl smiled and ran over and crawled in and snuggled against Claire. I slipped my arms around both of them and we laid there smiling at each other. Soon we all fell asleep for a few more hours. That was until a amazing aroma of bacon drifted up to my room waking us all.
"Let's go get some breakfast before we start our day of planning." I said standing up stretching and walking to my closet to get a shirt. Turning I saw Celeste jump on my mates back in a piggy back style. So I led the way to the kitchen. Entering I saw mom, dad, drake, his mate Lori, Claire's parents, Troy, Nelson, Nessie and Izzy sitting around the kitchen.
"See told you guys the smell of bacon would wake them up." Troy said chuckling.
"You said it would get Brent up goof." Izzy said pinching his cheek. I laughed watching the two of them. Troy just grinned happily at her and stuck his tongue out at her.
"Help yourselves." Mom said gesturing to the stove. I walked over and made two plates one for Celeste and one for Claire and I to share. I made a smiley face out of a pancake, strawberries, whip cream and bacon. Putting the plates beside each other on the table I helped my princess down from her moms back.
"Would you like milk, orange juice, or lemonade with your breakfast princess?" I asked.
"Milk please!" she answered.
"Chocolate??" I asked glancing at her to see that she was looking at me like I'd grown a second head.
"Of course!!! Is there any other kind?" She asked slowly as if she were talking to someone that had a few screws loose.
"" I answered causing everyone to laugh. I went and got her a glass as well as Claire and I a cup of coffee and sat down and began to eat.
Suddenly I felt a presence over my shoulder. Glancing back I found Izzy inspecting my shoulder and Nessie looking at Claire's.
"I knew it. You marked each other. I knew your scents changed." Izzy exclaimed.
"Just couldn't wait any longer huh??" Nessie teased gently making us both blush, before converging with Izzy squealing and giggling. Troy and Nelson high fived and smiled at me.
"Nope I couldn't wait to make sure that he's mine to annoy for ever." My mate exclaimed with a grin before picking the last piece of bacon that I was holding out of my hand and eating it. I playfully growled at her making everyone laugh. Looking at our parents they were standing at the counter watching our exchange with soft grins on their faces.

~later that day~
"Ok so here's a idea. We propose that before we attack we split into five groups of about 10 men. Each group will have one of us huntresses with parts of the guard. We will surround them from all sides. The Alphas shall approach from the main road together along with the betas, and gammas. There should be a few pack warriors with them as well. Then at the signal we will all launch a surprise attack." Claire was standing in front of her pack, my father and his beta and gamma, the other two alphas and their Betas and gammas, Troy, Niles and I were here too. Also included in the meeting was the packs warriors as well as Joshua and Melanie.
"That is a very good plan but who will be picked to go with the groups?" Niles asked.
"Well I believe that we should mix the members of our packs together and get at least one of each element in each group. I want the groups to work together to learn each other's fighting habits. Plus we need to work on harnessing your powers. Tabby and Carly have been working with me off and on with their powers and I think they can handle the training with the others." Claire said taking charge. "We need to work on selecting who is going to the battles with us. Those who don't go I want to stay here in the village with the women and children as well as Joshua and Melanie and they're trackers." She said beginning to pace around the room. She was truly good at this planning she had thought of good points. I enjoyed watching the dress she wore  swish around as she moved. I grinned thinking  back to this morning when Izzy had handed her a back before we left breakfast to go change.
"Here you go baby take this and go start getting stuff around for a bath and I'll be right in." My mate said handing our daughter the bag after pulling a small bundle out.
"Ok momma. See you soon Papa." My princess said before darting into her room.
"Here. I saw this yesterday and thought of you so I got it." Claire said with a smile unfolding a grey shirt that had a yellow oval on it with a black batman emblem on it.
I grinned and reached for it, "how'd you know that my favorite superhero was batman?"
"I just guessed. He's mine as well." She smiled back.
"I'm so wearing this today." I said placing a kiss on her beaming lips before pulling away and going to my room. "Meet you downstairs in 20."
I had paired the shirt up with a black leather jacket and a pair of dark blue jeans and my combat boots. After a shower I went downstairs to hang out with Neesie, Troy, Izzy, and Nelson. We were joking around when Celeste came running into the room in a little yellow skirt, black tights, black sandals, and a grey t-shirt with a bat logo on the front.
"Look daddy we all match." She exclaimed twirling in front of me. I laughed but didn't know what she meant until I looked back at the doorway sensing my mates presence. I beamed taking her in. She was wearing a dress that was fitted at the top that looks like a tank top and then kinda flared at the bottom. The dress was a grey that matched my tshirt with emblems that matched the ones across mine and Celeste's chests. She had paired it with a black sweater with lace on the back and a black tights that were all slashed up and a pair of combat boots.
"You guys all just look too adorable for words." Aubrey stated from the other doorway. "I'm so taking some family photos after the meeting."
We all chuckled and agreed to it before leaving.
-end of flashback-
'We agree with all you said but the last part you highness.' Melanie said breaking me out of my  trance. Looking up I saw my mate give the eagle an funny look.
'What she means is if you plan to go in on the attack your highness, then we are going along with you to help protect you and yours.' Joshua interjected. Claire was about to protest when she was interrupted before getting anything out.
"We also are going to be a part of this plan." Said a unfamiliar voice from the door. Turning I saw one of the scariest alphas in our world. He's rumored to be stuck in his ways and ruthless. This was one of the last remaining werewolf royals. Markus Delancey stood there hands on his hips staring straight at my mate. Standing I went to her and placed my hand on her back. She turned and smiled at me.
"Brent, guards I would like to introduce you to Markus Delancey, Alpha of the Blackfoot Pack, my grandfather." She said before embracing him in a hug.
"So your my granddaughters mate huh?? Looks like we'll need to get aquatinted very soon." He said pulling away after kissing Claire's temple and offering me his hand. I followed my instinct and mimicked how Claire shook hands remembering that she had said he taught it to her. He raised his eyebrow but smiled and nodded.
'You must join the club Old friend. We were planning to corner him into sitting down with us tonight.' Josh said from his chair flicking his tail.
'Yes friend. Why don't we corner together. Could be fun.' Mel added.
"I believe we have a date don't we son?" Markus said with a grin.
"Of course. The more the the marrier." I said smiling nervously. Impressing them one at a time I was ready for. All together though.... I'm toast. Great Luna send help please.

___________authors note____________
Hey y'all I'm back. I have this plan to get this book finished by the end of the summer. What do you guys think? Who's your favorite character so far? Why? I have trouble picking just ones person. Anywho y'all have a fantastic holiday weekend.

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