Chapter 12(unedited)

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He's such a heavy sleeper. I tap his arm a third time in attempt to wake him. It didn't work at all. Looking at part of my clock that projects on the ceiling. 8:30 am. It's weird normally I would be cursing the time because I hate mornings, but I'm wide awake today.
'Hey mom. I'll cook brunch this morning.' I linked with my mom. Looking at the arms that kept me from getting up I shifted to look at their owner. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. Like a little boy who had a hard day of play. His long lashes began fluttering and a smile crossed his face. Someones having a good dream. He suddenly shifted and I made my escape. I quickly gathered my favorite black and aqua yoga pants and fitted pastel yellow t-shirt and slipped in to the bathroom. After pulling my hair back into a french braid and brushing my teeth I reached in and grabbed an extra tooth brush and placed it on the sink next to mine before exiting the bathroom. He was still out cold. I walked over and stood over him before giving in and running my hand through his silky hair and pulling the blanket up. Laying a soft kiss on his temple I slipped out to the hallway grabbing a hoodie off my desk chair skipping it on as i walked past the doors hearing that the others were still asleep. Once entering the kitchen I walked to the fridge and begun whipping up pancakes, french toast, toast, and a lot of other food. I could hear the foot steps moving around upstairs before hearing the girls come down.
"Ooooooooo, loving the hoodie Claire." Izzy says as she poured herself a cup of coffee and joined the girls at the island. I gave her a questioning look as the girls looked at me smugly. Before I could say anything my mother an father came in fallowing the same routine.
"I agree with the girls." Mom said. Of course I'm in the middle of pulling out multiple trays of bisects so I couldn't look down and see what they were talking about. I always wear hoodies over workout clothes in the morning. I'm so lost at this moment.
'Hey where are you?' a certain someone asks in my head distracting me.
'Morning sleepy head. I'm downstairs making breakfast.Hurry there might not be any left.' I joked. I heard him moving around upstairs.
"So did you hear that ruckus going on outside last night girls. It was so loud." My father stated with a glint in his eye.
"Oh Thomas I was more worried about the thud I heard near Claire's window. But I figured she had one of her graceful moments trying to get to the window." Nessie said making us all chuckle. "Or that would explain both of the oddities." At that moment Brent entered the kitchen with his gaze going straight towards me then sweeping the observers who were chuckling at his expense before settling back on me and looking at my appearance before meeting my eyes with a satisfied smile. Looking down I finally figured out what everyone was talking about. Across my chest were the words Wolverine Football in our school colors.

I could feel the minute she left but as usual it took me forever to wake up. When the amazing aroma of food slipped into the room. After making sure where she was I went about my business of waking up. Smiling I picked up the toothbrush she had laid out right by hers. Right before I left her room I looked for my hoodie but it was gone. Weird I'm pretty sure I brought it.
"Or that would explain both of the oddities." I heard Nessie say as I walked in. Everyone was looking at me smirking. Looking back at Claire I was amazed to find her wearing my favorite hoodie. I smiled and she looked down and blushed.
'Um I guess I grabbed your hoodie by mistake.' her voice said in my mind.
'It's quite alright sweetie. It looks good on you.'
"Well then you won't mind me keeping it then. Great thank you. Coffee?" She said aloud with a smile and offering me a black cup.
"Ummm I don't recall that part." I said reaching for the cup."But why not." I said after she gave me puppy dog eyes. I was already thinking about giving it to her but that made the decision for me. The smile I got in return was worth it.
"Good morning Brent. How'd you sleep?" her mother asked. Now it was my turn to blush since I did sneak into her daughters room.
"Very well mama thank you."
"No problem honey, next time feel free to use the door. Claire has a spare key for you. It's a lot safer than climbing that old tree." She replied with a smile. I smiled back as we all sat down and ate the delicious food Claire had made chatting about our day. I found out that her and the packs mothers were joining us today.
{Later On}
We met up with everyone at the field. Instead of my father speaking first it was Claire.
"Hi everyone. Today's going to be a relatively easy day for you guys. We are going to teach you about our elements." She said leaving us all to stare at her in shock.

"Aubrey here is going to show us how she uses music. First I'm going to give you a small background on our girl here. She can play almost any instrument known to man. The ones she doesn't she can pick up quickly after picking them up. She also has a great voice. She's preformed four times at the annual world assembly for classical pianist." Everybody gaped at her in shock while she blushed at the attention. She went on to demonstrate how bringing the right note forward can put a calming affect on those who heard it. After that she demonstrated shortly the harming affect that the sound could have and had our class grasping their ears. This went on with light and the animals. All three of those powers were close to the same because there's always parts in the world surrounding us to bring from.
"For Izzy, Nessie's and I's powers its a bit different. Our powers come from within us. We produce our own elements such as water fire and earth. It comes from our center. It took a long time for us to able to control this." I explained. After that Izzy started having fun. She loved playing with the earth. She bent a tree into a chair without harming it and made it look like it had been grown that way. She then directed a tree to reach out and grab a wolf and lift him hi off the ground before gently placing him back down. Nessie jumped in and created a flame that floated around and lite the candles we had brought she then set fire to the chair Izzy had created. After that I splashed it with water extinguishing the flame. Then shot the water in aggressive waves around me forming them into sharp spikes. Tabitha didn't realize that they were indeed sharp because she ran her hand over one dragging her wrist over another on accident.
"This is another great thing about her power. She can heal with it." Nessie said as I walked over and cradled the bleeding arm in my one hand while gathering water around my hand and allowing it to flow over her arm. It healed right up and left the others staring at me in awe.

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