Chapter 6(Unedited)

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"Come on up here Alpha."I heard Alpha Toby say, turning toward the back of the stage where Nessie, Izzy and I had crept toward when he started his story. I was nervous but the girls were there in my mind keeping me calm. Throwing back my shoulders and with a deep breath I walked to the center of my beta and third, my best friends. The looks on everyones faces varied. There was joy and confusion and pride. Shock was the most common which I saw prominently on my mates chiseled face and was mirrored in his two best friends.

"We all met Alpha Claire as our soon to be new Luna. We are such an honored pack. Please take over and tell everyone about yourselves." Alpha Toby said with a pat on my shoulder as he passed to go stand along side Brent and his guys.

I smiled softly at everyone looking at me with interest. "Well as Alpha Toby said we are the Huntresses. Let me go ahead and introduce you to the other three girls. Aubrey, Tina, and Letti, come on up here." I allowed the two others to stand and walk to the stage with pride. Once they were along side of Nessie I started again."As Alpha Toby said we are strong and can use elements to aid us in a fight. We can control elements that can be both caring and brutal. Aubrey can harness sound, this can be deafening and painful but can also be calming. Tina has a harness on the weather, she can change a sunny day into a deadly tornado. Letti is a master of animals, she can ask them to aid an attack or calm down. My third in command has an amazing control over fire, fire can burn and kill but it also can share strength in heat and growth. My beta can control the earth she can heal plants and grow new ones, but she can also make them turn deadly. The Alpha was correct when he said that we were a small pack but we are missing two of us who we have an idea who is one of us it just isn't time just yet but soon." I nodded in the direction of the hand that was raised.

"What is your power?"

"She has the power to control water and make it bend to her will. She can also control snow and contains a little of each of our powers too." Izzy said with pride as a small gasp went around at just how powerful I was sunk into everyone.

"How does the color Alpha Toby said carry out to your human forms? and what are your colors may I ask?" Troy asked with Brent and Nelson nodding.

"We each have different colors which end up being our favorites. In our wolf forms our strands of hair are equal in the fur color and our specific color. That carries into our human forms too, its very faint but each of us have our color in our hair. As for our colors Aubrey's is pink, Lettie's yellow, Tina has violet, Nessie's color is red, Izzy has green while I have blue." I answered.

"When did you find out what you were?" asked a girl with soft brown hair and a kind face. The girls and I have been watching her.

"Izzy, Nessie, and I's parents found out when we all turned two years old. The Great Luna came to them and gifted each of us with this precious crystal in our colors and told them to let the Alpha of our pack know the great news. The others we found when they were close to shifting I was gifted with their crystals to bestow on them." I answered. After that no one seemed to have questions."Listen I know this is a lot to take in right now. Thank you all for being so understanding of us and accepting us without being mad for us keeping this from you. If you find yourself with more questions as time goes please feel free to ask." I said kindly.


"Thank you Huntresses for sharing and trusting us to aid and protect you. This is a great honor to us." my father said beaming at the six girls in front of us. I was shocked.

"Wow man can you believe this?" Troy said turning to us.

"All of the quiet pretty girls are the Huntresses. Their Alpha is about to be our Luna. We are going to be the most respected pack in the world. They deserve every minute of it. I don't know what I expected but I was ready to see a bunch of stuck up snobs standing up there with the in your face attitude but that wasn't it at all. They seemed nervous. What do you think Brent?" Nelson asked me.

" I think your right. Those girls do deserve the respect the are going to get. I have the most amazing mate ever, I mean this just keeps getting better I cannot wait till you two find your mates in the next few weeks."I said with a huge smile.

"See Claire I told you that you had nothing to worry about!!" exclaimed a voice behind me. I turned to see Izzy and Nessie staring a Claire with matching smug looks, I then noticed my father had released everyone to celebrate.

"Why would she worry?" Troy asked beating me to it.

"She thought that Brent here wouldn't like this one bit." Izzy answered.

"Oh I am more than ok with it. I'm honored to be entrusted with such a precious gift." I said earning awes from everyone and a blinding smile from Claire. I dropped my arm around her shoulder as we all walked to the party. I was happy to feel her shift closer and wrap her arm around my waist and lean her head on my shoulder shyly. We remained this close throughout the night even when I had to stand there and take everyone singing me Happy Birthday and I blew out the candles. I wished for everyone in this pack to feel as happy as I did right now.

"Ok everyone lets call it a night. Training will start tomorrow at nine. The Huntresses will be training with us and some surrounding packs will join." My father announced. We all hesitated knowing that after tomorrow the world would know that the Huntresses were among us. I looked at the angel on my arm as I wondered what tomorrow will bring.

____________________________________________________________________________________________Authors Note

So heres another chapter. Thank you all for reading and enjoying. Its about to get interesting i promise. So does anyone have a favorite character yet? Any thoughts or comments on the plot?

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