Chapter 19(Unedited)

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I was surprised to hear what I just had. I had a stupid smile all the way through class. I just sat there and doodled. In the end I had doodled mine and Brent's names all over my note book cover. A couple of them had his last name as mine. When the bell rang for the end of biology. Boy am I lucky that calculus is easy for me, because I don't know anything that we just went over. Laying my calc book over the top of my notebook I pick it all of and walked outside my classroom to hear some laughing and yelling. I rushed out to see three humans picking on another human. They pulled his books out of his arms and scattered them across the floor. Another took his glasses from him. Just as I was about to try to help a muscular arm reached to the books the jerks were holding out of reach. The same happened with the other two. One hand snatched the glasses away.
"What the..." One said flipping around to see Brent, Troy, and Nelson holding the items.
"Your out of your league man. Bullying is immature and dumb so why not just walk away and leave him alone he didn't do anything to you." Brent said. I could feel the alpha power rolling off of him in waves. It didn't affect them as much as it would a wolf but two of the three started to back down because of the intimidating feeling that radiated off of the guys.
"Bull, he bumped into me and had the nerve to look at me apologize to me while looking me in the face." the third guy said fighting it.
"It's a busy corridor and at least he stopped and said he was sorry man." Troy said.
"Yeah, walk away. Aren't you supposed to be watching how much trouble you cause or you won't be able to join the wrestling team this year?" Nelson asked when knowing the answer himself since he is the captain of the team. The guy looked at him wide eyed and then glanced at the kid and stormed away. We all breathed a shy of relief.
"That was awesome." Izzy whispered as her and Nessie joined me in picking up the papers that had flown across the floor. I nodded pulling the last of them into a stack and adding Izzy and Nessie's pile. Standing up I saw the guys had given the other guy his stuff back and where talking to him. Walking up I lightly touch the guys shoulder and offered him a smile.
"Here I think we got everything." I said taking the pile off my books and handing them to him.
"Thank you Claire. This looks like them all." He said putting them in his bag. Noticing my look of confusion he quickly said, "We have english together. I'm Jackson. I'm usually really quiet which is why you don't know me. Thank you guys again." He smiled and walked off.
"You guys were awesome." Izzy said as Brent walked over and wrapped an arm softly around my shoulders and pulling me close for a hug.
"It was nothing. It's wrong to bully someone else." Brent said looking at her. He took my books and we all walked towards my locker as a group. Nessie started rambling about a dance performance that we had coming up. I heard him rumble softly and looked over to see him looking down at my books. I also glanced down and suddenly was embarrassed to see that he had flipped the stack over when transferring them from my hands to his therefore putting all of my doodles on display.
'Don't be embarrassed baby.I'm glad to see that your thinking along the same thoughts as me.' He said smiling he pulled his notebook to the top and opened the top cover to show me that our names were scrawled in very masculine hand writing. I smiled at him and linked my arm through his laying my head on his shoulder.
"Seriously you two are so cute I'm getting cavities." Nessie said. We stopped at my locker and I took my books from Brent to put them in my locker noticing that he had his first and second period books. I rearranged the second shelf of the three tiered shelf my father made for my locker so that the pencil holder went to the top and the stack of index cards went to the holder on the door. I then turned and pulled the books he didn't need and placed them underneath mine with a smile. I grabbed my stuff for second period and handed them to him. He took them with a smile.
"Heads up mean girls on the left." Izzy said as she got her stuff from her locker that was right behind mine on the other side of the hall. Nessie was facing her locker also which is right beside Izzy's. She said it so that only we could hear it. We turned just in time to see Kendra and her posse walking towards us.
"Wait your left or my left." Nessie said confused causing us to all stop and look at her.
"We have the same left." Izzy said looking at Nessie like she had grown a second head. The boys and I had started laughing.
"Ohhhhh, yeah." Nessie said with a look on her face saying she hadn't thought of that. It was too much we could stop laughing. We were laughing so hard the guys had tears in their eyes and I was holding my side. The two girls joined in and eventually the hallway was filled with our laughter.
"God, your so loud. It's rude." Kendra said storming by throwing me a nasty look.
"Well at least we know how to have fun." Izzy said back. I think us girls were the only ones that heard that the guys were still laughing.

That was great. These girls are gonna definitely keep us on our toes. I saw Kendra say something but didn't catch what it was nor what Izzy said back but Kendra didn't look happy.
"You guys might want to watch out for her." I said catching my breath.
"We know all to well how to mean she can be. We used to be friends but she started to drift away and became hostile to us." Izzy said.
"I heard what she said to you before class. The teacher wanted me to write an algorithm on the board when she cornered you." Claire said looking at me. I looked back surprised.
"Did you...?" I started.
"Did I hear what you said back? I did. It was the happiest moment ever." She said smiling at me. I was glad she knew my intentions I just wish it had been me telling her face to face not someone who didn't matter. She smiled and kissed my cheek softly as we walked towards her bio class. It turned out that Nessie and Izzy shared the same smartness as Claire so they had the next few classes together. The guys and I had econ together just down the hall.
"Are you guys coming to our competition two weeks from today?" Nessie asked us.
"Of course we are." I answered automatically.
"You might want to know its a the regionals for our SACDG group. Before you ask that stands for the State Association of Cheering and Dancing Gymnasts. It's an all star team of the states greatest of all of those. We form together and teach each other tricks and moves to choreograph into a routine to compete against other states to go to Nationals. After nationals the top three groups compete against other countries teams. This is our fourth year on the team."Izzy said chuckling at my agreement to go to something just because my mate participates in it.
"Wow, what parts do you guys come from?" Nelson asked. I looked at them interested.
"We have all mastered all three of them. Claire has been the head cheerleader in our cheer camp since middle school. With Izzy right next to her and me following. Izzy is the lead in dance with Claire chasing close and me not far behind either." Nessie said.
"Nessie's is the best gymnast in the circuit. She has won gold at nationals for seven rows running. Izzy and I are tied at how many times we've won silver or bronze." Claire said. Man these girls are talented.
"I bet your all captains of this squad huh?" Troy asked. The girls looked away blushing.
"Ahaha. :-) We are going to this event. I bet the pack would like to attend too. We'll talk more after class." I said as we made it to their door. I handed Claire her books and kissed her shocked face before walking of to class.

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