Chapter 23 (unedited)

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"I thought you said that there wasn't anything else you needed to tell us." Nelson said to the girls.
"Well honestly Claire feels that its a great honor but nothing to brag about. She doesn't really believe in holding titles and power above ones head." Nessie said turning and looking at the girl on topic. We all looked over to see her sitting on the ground with the queen on her shoulder and the king laying with his head on her lap while she petted his main. He rumbled and she started laughing and the queen squeaked slightly. After a few moments the king stood and nuzzled her face slightly and walked off the way he came and the queen shifted so she was on my mates are and they were looking at one another. She then leaned forward and nuzzled her beak against her cheek and took off.
"They said that their children will be here in the morning and their best trackers are already at work. They'll be coming to my house and I'll bring them to the training field so that we can plan. You guys did terrific today. Let's call it a night." Claire said to the group they all started to disperse.
Everyone had left besides my mother and father, the beta, the Alpha, the Luna, Brent, Nelson, my girls and Carly.
"Hey girly girl, have you got any plans for tonight?" Tina said walking over and wrapping her arm around Carly.
"N-no not really.I was just gonna maybe you know study at home or something." She answered shyly.
"Wanna come to our pack house for a girls only party?" Nessie asked.
"R-really?" She asked looking at us.
"Of course darling. We're meeting up at 7." I jumped in.
"Ok sure I can bring some herbal facial mask and some stuff to make wind chimes."she offered causing us all to smile.
"Sounds perfect. Come on Tabby, Lisa, and Carly I'll drop you home and give you a ride to the pack house." Aubrey says as they all leave also.
"Well boys I've ordered about 16 pizzas and have all the different types of soda and junk food you can find at the house plus about 6 different systems and all the action games I can find. Plus I figured since all us mean will be in the house tonight I thought one of us could figure out those traps my wife bought and calls them furniture. Personally I call them catastrophes. there's this hanging bed thing thats suspended from the ceiling and looks like a nest thing. The instructions are literately in Greek." Toby said exasperated. Causing us to chuckle.
" Umm dad I don't speak Greek. Do you?" Brent asked from behind me where he had moved to cuddle me.
"Dag nab it what are they teaching at that school? We aren't ever going to get that bed up." Toby said pouting.
"Well your in luck Ethan is fluent in Greek, Italian, and German." I said chuckling at the look Toby gave me.
"Man Brent you gotta keep this gal around. She's got all the good connections." Drake joked slightly winking at me. i just chuckled at him.
"Oh I plan to keep her around forever." Brent said nuzzling my neck.
"We'll meet up later." My father said taking my mothers hand and walking off. The Alpha and the Luna followed. The guys offered to take the girls home.
"Soo... forever huh?" I said turning around and wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Yeah. I feel that might not be long enough but it'll do for now." He said leading the way to a small stream. We cuddled there and just talked about our past. It was comforting and a really nice way to spend the evening. Later he walked me home and gave me a loving kiss before jogging to his place.
{Later that night}
"Ahh would you just look at their little faces." Nessie said gushing over a picture of the future top three and the age of three. Selena had come through with pictures of them as kids quite nicely. The one we were looking at had them standing in front of a cow pen looking like they had just bathed in a mud hole.
"They were so mad after that picture because we forced them to take and rinse all that mud off with the cold water from the hose instead of tracking it all inside." Selene said laughing which we all joined in on when she pulled out a picture of the three being rinsed off by Drake.
'What are you laughing so hard about Butterfly?' My mate asked in my head.
'Your mother brought over her albums of you and your buddies growing up and we are looking through them. You guys were so adorable.' I answered.
'She didn't' He answered quickly. Pulling out my phone I picked up a picture of a two year old Brent sitting in a metal tub in nothing but a diaper surrounded by bubbles with a huge grin on his face. Snapping a picture of it I sent it to him.
"Brent doesn't believe that we are looking at these right now." I answered as I did the same with pictures of the other two.
'Ohhhh mom is so in trouble.' Brent said to all of us through the mind link causing us all to bust out laughing hard. Selena about started crying with laughter.

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