Chapter 22(Unedited)

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These wolves are quiet amazing and can take just about anything and go with it.

"Celeste isn't a normal little girl. She's empath and a healer. That means that she can feel the feelings of everyone that surrounds her as if they were her own. She can heal wounds that are made by things that make it hard for our wolves to heal quickly. She can see glimpses of the future also " I say slightly shifting the wolf in my arms.

"She also is very smart for her age. She talks like shes a little girl but thats just a cover so she can fit in with the other little ones. She's got a GPA higher than Albert Einsteins." Izzy added causing everyone to stare and smiles of pride to shoot across mine and Brent's parent's faces.

"That's epic man.. Anything else?" Troy asked. There were a few things but we could ease them into those later.

"Not that I can think of." I answered feeling the girls nod with me "On another note it seems that you've all grasped the powers pretty well. I think we are ready for this battle."

"We need to scout the enemy and find their location. We should track it also." Toby said.

"Yes I want it tracked well. I was thinking maybe we could divert the course if they are coming to close to here. I'd rather fight at a place of our choosing not be trapped and fight at our home." I said starting to pace while softly bouncing the wolf.

"We'd have to do it with stealth. This clan is hard to track. They can find the best of tracking wolves and they won't hesitate to kill them once they are found." Luther stated causing everyone to take a deep breath.

"What if it wasn't a wolf or human that tracks them." Izzy suddenly exclaimed snapping her fingers.

"What do you mean?" Niles asked. I was catching on and the other girls were too. It was brilliant.


From the look on my mates face it seems that she had formed a plan. She looked quite adorable pacing around while still holding that wolf. I was pretty amazing that even though the wolf was getting heavy while she was sleeping Claire was not going to put her down till she woke up.

"Well they have to be camped out in the woods right? So we have the tree locate them. Then we can send animals to watch them. If they are heading here some "natural" earth problems can get them on a path we want." Izzy exclaimed.

"They'll end up right where we want them." Claire jumped in and finished Izzy's thought. The two high fived. That is genius.

"You can do that?" Thomas asked surprised.

"That's nothing close to the extent of what we can do." Nessie chuckled along with the other girls. The wolf in my mates arms started stirring. Claire shifted so that she was sitting on the ground and the girl shifted back to her human form.

"Hello sweetie. How are you feeling Carly?" Claire asked the girl. That's when I realized that the newest member was that shy girl that had fallen on Claire after the assembly.

"Im fine Alpha thank you." Carly said smiling.

" I want you to stay here with the packs. Izzy lets get this started." Claire said. The girls moved over towards us as Claire and Izzy went to the center of a circle of trees. They stood with their backs together and their arms out towards the tree.

'Ready?' We all heard Izzy ask through mind link.

'Let's do it' Claire answered.

They both opened their eyes which were glowing emerald green their hands started glowing too. The trees started moving and it seemed like the glow was pulsing through out the clearing. After about 15 mins of this the waves seemed to switch to pulsating back toward them.

"We were right. They are camping in the woods. About 50 miles due east. Lettie lets get some trackers on this. You call Tana and I call Mazer." Claire said her eyes switching from the green glow to a yellow color. Lettie and Izzy had switched places. Izzy had sweat on her forehead and was shaking a bit. Just then there was a great cry and a loud roar.

From one side of the clearing a huge hawk flew in and landed on Lettie's outstretched arm. From the other came a large mountain lion that wrapped himself around my mates leg rumbling and acting like a mere house cat.

'Everyone on Lettie's arm is Tana. She is the queen of hawks. Tana these are our guards and our newer members.' Claire said in our links.

'Hello honored ones.' Tana answered bowing her head to us. Most of us gasped. They can talk.

'Yes young Alpha we can talk you just never listen.' the lion said settling at Claire's side.

'This is Mazer. King of the lions. We have called you both to ask a favor of you. 50 miles east of here there is a army of werewolves that mean to challenge and exterminate us. We would rather the battle not be here but in the valley away from all of our homes including ours. Could you spare some centuries to track their progress for us please?' Claire said cutting to the chase.

'Of course Princess. I well have my finest trackers follow them they will know how to blend in and those wolves will not see any harm. My son shall be here by sunset to be the go between and aid in your plans.' Mazer stated.

'I too will do the same. I will have my trackers follow any scouts to see where they are planning to go. Maybe the chance will arise that they can get close enough to hear any plans they talk about. My daughter shall arrive around the same time as his son Princess.' Tana said.

'Thank you both.' Claire said and off they went.

"Why where they referring to you as princess?"Nelson asked.

"Even though we do not perceive royalty in our world anymore the animal world is different. They believe that Claire has proven herself worthy of the title of princess." Lettie said "In fact in the animal kingdom there are royal families in each species. They all believe they need a common royal to lead them. Instead of finding the stronger one of the groups to lead they've elected Claire. They would prefer to call her the queen but she refuses it so they settled on the Princess of the Animals." We all stood there starring in shock.

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