Chapter 21 (Unedited)

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Chapter 21
'We did it little one. We have surpassed our ancestors.' Andreece says in my mind.
'That we have.' I replied softly looking down at the wolf in my arms. She was a golden color like Lettie but had a blackish tint. Her eyes were all black. She was beautiful.
"What happened Alpha." a soft voice asked from behind me. The wolf shifted in my arms so that I was holding her slight weight the way I would hold Celeste when she wanted to sleep. I felt her sigh against my neck before relaxing into sleep. Turning I found everyone was now looking at me with interest. The one who spoke was an older version of the girl in my arms.
"Welcome to the family of the Huntresses mama. Your daughter is the final one of us wolves. We're complete." I said. The girls mother's eyes widened in shock as she looked at the beautiful wolf in my arms. She was getting slightly heavy and my arms were getting kinda tired but there was no way I was going to put the darling girl down until she woke up. The pack started to cheer and ran over to stroke their new sister's fur softly as to not wake her. A pair of strong hands wrapped around my waist sliding up under mine to support the slight weight. I leaned back into his strong arms.
"We'll plan the welcoming party for tomorrow night. Everyone's invited." My mother said going into instant planning mode.
"This one is going to be a bit different. This one we are not just celebrating our final member but we are celebrating that our family is finally one. We will receive new powers." Izzy said excitedly looking at the wolf in my arms.
"Markus and Edna will want to come as will as the Blackfoot pack." Nessie said.
"Who are these people?" Toby asked curiously.
"They are our elders. They allowed the three of us on their land and trained us in our powers and our fighting skills. They have more knowledge on the legend of the Huntresses because their pack was the first pack in history to have them born into. They are the pack that when the werewolf community had a royal family." I answered getting more attention.

"The Blackfoot Pack. Aren't they the only pack that is still full blood because none of their members have found their mates in humans?" Troy ask.
"Yep, Markus and Edna are decedents from those who would be king and queen. They're pretty cool and were so happy when Claire turned out to be a Huntress." Izzy said receiving a odd glare from Claire.
"Why would they be really happy?" my mother ask.
"Well because they're her mothers parents so they're ecstatic that their grandchild is that special." Nessie said.
"Wait so what? We've had descendent from the royal family living in our pack and didn't know it, How? Why didn't you tell us?" My father asked shocked.
"Well as royalty we can mask our scents. Although Claire got the traits a lot more than I did because of the Huntress part. We didn't find it necessary to tell anyone because frankly it's not that big of a deal. When I was mated to Thomas I told him my history. We were both fine with being the gamma family. I don't feel that just because of my ancestors we should be treated any differently and that's how we raised Claire. Shes known about her ancestry since she was a child. I believe the only thing she draws from her powers as a royal is the air of respect that she gives off and there really is no way to hid that trait." My soon to be mother-in-law stated with Claire and Thomas nodding their agreement. We all just stood there dumbfounded at the news that we had just hear.
"Ok, well lets allow this to sink in. Any other information that could be useful to know thats life changing?" My mother asked. Claire, Izzy, and Nessie looked at each other sheepishly. "Do we want to know?" Mom asked causing them to smile.

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