Lover's Reunion

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Gaven's POV

Jazz and Jackson had to pry me off of Damien and even then they had trouble doing so. As my best friends tore me away from the bastard that was my mate's father he began to stand back up, his face covered in blood and deep gashes on his nose and mouth.

Seeing his face had made me calm down to an extent where my men could let me go and as they did Damien spit blood to the ground while catching his breath.

As he lightly touched his lips and looking at the blood that had transferred to his hand Nela had walked up to him only making Jazz growl in anger as she got too close to a man he didn't know and surely didn't trust. Nela looked at him with a scowl and turned back to Damien pulling a piece of cloth from her jacket and giving it to him.

Damien took the rag and turned away from us while Nela walked up to me, her face laced with anger. "How dare you? You could have killed Damien, Jace's only dad for fuck's sake. How do you think Jace would feel if she saw you do that," with every word Nela pushed me backward with only a finger. "He may not have been the best dad in the last few years, but that doesn't give you the right to almost kill him."

As Nela kept raging I looked to Jazz for help, begging him to help me and get this girl off me. I knew if I did anything to her Jazz would have a fit and probably try to kill me so I did nothing, and so did Jazz. He looked between Nela and me, his faced masked with fear and admiration for his mate. Seeing her like this made Jazz happy, knowing he had a strong mate maybe not in physical strength, but defiantly in spirit and courage.

As I turn back to try and ease Nela I get a message from Light who's out with the rest of my men searching for Jace, 'What is it Light, I'm currently trying to stop a ticking time bomb from going off.'

'I'm sorry to disturb you but those two young wolves that you sent our way found something you may want to see.' At these words, I looked back at my friends, Nela, and Damien. They all look at me confused but as soon as I register their glares I'm off running down the road changing to my wolf, while the humans in the shops start screaming again as they see my wolf, his massive black frame with piercing blood red eyes would scare any person even Werewolf.

I quickly caught up with Light and the two young wolves, while Jazz and the others were still far behind.

'What have they found Light?'

Light bows her head slightly both as an acknowledgment and for due respect to her future king. 'The young ones spotted a house not far from here. I do not know all the details but you should talk with the young ones.'

'Thank you, Light.' I say through our link and walk to the two young wolves who are both acting as guards for Light, 'Hello you two.' As I say these few words Jacob and Chloe turn around slowly, almost scared to see who's behind them.

Once Chloe sees me her eyes grow slightly larger and Jacob tries to stay calm like stone but I hear his heart begin to speed up. 'Hello, sir.' They both say in unison.

'I need you two to tell me what you saw at that house.' The two look at one another and soon turn back to me.

'There wasn't much to see, but the fact that most of these houses are deserted this time of year and that the one house was covered in wolf scents made it obvious.' Jacob says.

Light comes up to us soon after Jacob finishes speaking and informs me she has sent a recall to all of my men and that they'll be here soon. Once I've informed Light and the other two walk off leaving me to my thoughts and let me tell you there are a lot.

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