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Jace's POV

"So you finally show your face after all these years? Well that's fantastic. Now I have two reasons for my little brother to find me." Gracer laughs as he walks back to the table and sits down.

The table has a broken leg supported by a brick and has many different instruments on it for pain.

"You really think you have me captured too? You are and always have been so foolish Gracer. You think that know I'm here and and after you kill my daughter and Gaven that I will rejoin your pack and listen to your every order you make, right? Well your very much wrong. I will kill you myself if I have to to keep my loved ices safe." my mother says as she glares Gracer down. I've never seen her this scary before, and it's amazing.

Gracer laughs again and stands from the chair. He walks over to me and my mother in just two strides. "You sure are confident for a half-breed, Rachel. I'll give you that, but it's funny to think that you could kill me. it's laughable, really." he laughs again.

"I may be a half-breed but I'm a half-breed with royal blood as well. Or did you forget that?"

He stops laughing and his face turns serious, "No I have not forgotten that nor your ties to the witches." he says with an odd tone and before I know it he's grabbing for a piece of my moms hair.

"Don't touch me. Never again," she swipes away his hand and returns to speaking, "Keep in mind that my daughter is also a witch. with two witches we have the power to mill a Were." she says whilst grabbing my shoulder.

Gracer holds his hand in pain for a few seconds but soon he refocuses himself to mother, "Yes I know that too, but you forget a sleep of that caliber takes years to master. And your girl has no practice at all," Gracer says then turns to his men, "Leave now, I have this under control."

"Yes Sir!" again, idiots.

After they leave the cellar Gracer turns back to my mom, "You know your a real pain to track down? I've been looking for you for forty nine years. And somehow you eluded my every move. Why didn't you come back? I made you leave the pack for your own safety at that time. You could have come back to me after a year or two. Why?" the tone within his voice is not one of anger of hate or even annoyance, no it's one of love, true love. Oh god!

"You love my mom don't you Gracer?" he looks at me with surprise, but his expression changes a second later to one of loneliness and looks back to my mom.

"Yes. I have ever sense she was eighteen."

"And you made her leave to keep her safe from your very judgmental pack. Even though I may hate you for what you have done to every person in my life I thank you for making sure she was safe." Gracer looks at me with surprise again, but I can tell that somewhere in his eyes he's happy from my words.

I take a quick look at my mother and what she does surprises me even more than Gracer loving her. She swings around to his back, narrows her hand like a blade and bashes her hand I to the back of Gracer's neck. At impact Gracer's eyes roll into his head and he collapses to the floor. Then my mother comes to my side a unites the ropes that surround me.

As the ropes fall to the floor and on Gracer's head I stand. I didn't realize how quick I got up and everything got dizzy. My mom stopped me from hitting the floor too. We walk to the stairs once I get my equilibrium back. A door is at the top of the stairs and I walk up to it to try and open, but it won't move, not even the door nob turns.

I panic as my mom feels me there may be a spell that only let's certain people in and out of the room, "Well can't you just get rid of it?"

My mother shacks her head, "It's not that simple. I can't break another witches spell without knowing the incantation they used."

"But wouldn't be the same for you? Aren't most witches spells the same?"

"No Jace. Every witch makes her own spells. Sure there are common spells we all know like the Were spell, but for the most part we all have our own specialized spells."

"I see." I sigh as I try to figure something out. Some way to escape, but come up empty handed. But then I have something, I just hope it will work.

"Gaven, listen. I'm fine for now. My mothers with me. Your brother is out for now but I don't know for how long. I can't leave the basement I'm in. Its like the door is jammed shut by a five ton weight. I can't move it. I'm stuck down here with Gracer. I'm scared. My mothers here but I don't know how much she can do. I'm tired and I don't know what to do. Oh I hope you can hear me, I truly do. Please find me. I don't know how long Gracer will be out. Please hurry. I love you, and I know our child does too." as I finish the sentence I can feel Gaven. Like he's here next to me, but soon it goes black and I pass out. The only thing I heard before I black out is my mom scream and movement in the background.


I'm so so sorry that the chapter is so short, but I wanted to add something for you all. The next chapter will be longer, I promise.

Also the next chapter will be mostly-I'm thinking- in Rachel's POV. It's not completely made up in my mind right know but that's what I'm thinking.

I hope this chapter shocked you a little and I hope you liked it even if it was way short.

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