The Real Reason

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Rachel's POV

"Get them both tide up! But Rachel can have rope around her stomach, I'll finish tying her up later. Then get out!" I hear as I awake.

~Your daughter sure is a stupid one, Rachel. She shouldn't have tried to contact her mate. She was to weak to begin with and now she's out cold.~ Ersa says after the ropes are tied.

~She had the right idea. She got through to him and now he knows where to find us. I sent a signal through the link for him to follow. Of course it's Jace's bond but I merely amplified it like a phone's music to a speaker set. If I can simply keep the signal up long enough he should find us.~ I say to her.

~But if you do that you will have no energy to fight or cast spells even with me helping you. What if Gracer does something? You can't defend yourself.~

I stay silent to Ersa for a minute. I clear my head of all the concerns I may have for my own being and focus on the positive for Jace. She deserves the one thing I never truly got: happiness. And damn my soul if I can't give that to my daughter. ~I don't care what happens to me as long as my daughter is alive and happy with Gaven. I will do what is needed for him to find her, even if it means Gracer doing things to me. Besides if he did it wouldn't really be that bad after all he was my first mate.~ Ersa sighs as I bring up the subject then goes silent.

As I leave my own mind I realize Gracer is in front of me, bending over, and tying my feet up. "You done talking with Ersa yet?" he says not even looking at me.

"Yes. To be truthful I didn't think you remembered her name." I say looking down to him.

At first when we figured out that we were mates, Gracer couldn't be more happy. But once the pack had found out they didn't quite think he was fit to be a leader if his own mate was a half-breed. Gracer needed to be the strong leader the pack needed and I understood this from the beginning, but my heart and Ersa had different perspectives of the situation. Both of them wanted to be with the person they loved but Gracer's first priorities were to the pack.

As time went on the pack grew more hateful towards me to the point were I was attacked daily. Gracer couldn't stand his mate being hurt so he called a pack meeting but all that did was having the members turn on Gracer again. He finally settled them down but at a cost to his mate. Gracer banished me from the pack so he would remain in power. Power was always the one thing he loved more an anything, even me.

"I did what I did for you. I didn't want to hurt you, but you ran from my room before I could tell you everything." Gracer said bringing me from my thoughts. As I look at him I realize the pain and sorrow that lie deep in his eyes. Just deep enough for most not to notice.

"I understand that now, but how could I have known when you had wolves hunting me down. I thought you sent them to kill me." he looks at me shocked.

He stands and starts shaking, his head is bent down with his face towards the floor and his hands formed fists so tight his left hand bleed, "I could never have killed you, nor have another do that either. Those men who I sent to find you were new comers to the pack and who had no idea who or what you are. I sent them to find and simply bring you back without force." his face is facing mine and I know just by the emotions on his face he's telling me the truth.

He starts walking behind me as I see him shift his hand to his claws. I close my eyes as I wait for the pain but nothing except the ropes around my stomach and feet are lose, "Why untie me?" I say as I look back to him. His hand is back to normal and his head is down again.

"If you want to leave you can and you can take your daughter with you if you want." he says as he walks back to the table.


"My hearts been broken ever since I made you leave all those years ago, and even more so when I found out you got a new love and had a child. I fell into a depression and I almost lost the pack. Until Silence showed up. She brought me back to reality and made me tough up again. I ruled the pack with an iron fist all the while still trying to bring you home. Silence was there for me and well I hate what I did with her. But she pulled me through everything that had me regret making you leave even when I thought you died in the crash. Now Silence wants Gaven and the crown for herself and like with all the years with her by my side I went along with her plan. But I have no want to be king anymore. All I want is you and to finally have a life and family with you as well." These words are the most truthful I have ever heard come out of his mouth.

I sit there stunned and silent. I have no idea what to say or wither I should say anything at all. I mean what do you say when the one man you have truly loved your entire life has finally said he wants and loves you?

"Just tell him you love him, mom. I know you do, so just go over there and kiss him. I don't give a damn so do it." I look over to Jace who's still somewhat asleep in the chair, tied up. Her eyes open for a second and then close a few times before she passes out again. I smile and then I notice Gracer smiling at me.

I stand a second later and he follows my movement, "Your daughter is something else." I step closer as he says the words.

"That she is. I wish in a way she was yours."

"No than Gaven wouldn't have a mate." I stand in front of him my face almost touching his, "I missed you so much, Rachel."

"I missed you too." his lips slam into mine and the fiery tingles start. Oh how I have missed this feeling. Gracer grabs my hips and I jump in surprise as I hear a small chuckle coming from him. We break apart gasping for air and I smile and I see him do so. Our foreheads touch and I close my eyes, "I love you, Gracer."

"I love you too, my mate."


Ok so I know it was short but I had to get it down. And I know this chapter may not make some sense to some people, (How does Rachel have two mates"'? Well she necessarily doesn't.) but I know somewhere in my thick skull this makes complete sense to me. I will try to explain this chapter to anyone who doesn't get it at some point. promise.

Well hope you liked it and please comment, vote, fan, whatever. I just hope you've enjoyed reading this story. and don't worry there are still plenty more chapters after this.

As always


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