Prison Cell

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Sorry for any grammar crap.

Jace's POV

I woke up in a cell. It was dark, dirty, smelly, and... had another girl in it? Oh great Gaven's done this before. But how many times, I mean he's at least 19. How many girls has he hurt? Now I was mad at Gaven, I wish I could ring his neck.

I was finally able to sit up. I looked at the girl, who was at least my age, maybe a few mouths younger. She was completely scared. I wish I could match her emotion. All I wanted to do was kick Gaven's ass for taking this young girl from her home, where ever it was.

"You o-okay? What's y-your name?" I heard the girl ask. I should be asking her that. She was terrified.

"Hmm. Yeah I'm fine, and my names Jace but what about you? I can tell your scared. By the way do you know where we are?" I said/asked back.

The girl sat there for a few minutes without speaking. I really felt bad for her. She was bruised, dirty, and she was holding her legs to her ass.

"M-my name i-is Nichole. W-we're at Gaven's e-estate and w-we're his s-slaves."

Nichole must have been every thirsty because of how much her words were breaking.

"What kind of slaves?" Now I felt kind of scared myself.

"S-sex slaves, and m-maids." That's all Nichole said before turning her head and started to cry. I was speechless for a minute then got up slowly and walked over to Nichole. I put my arms around her and gave her a hug. It seemed to work a little.

"How long have you been here Nichole?" I had to ask. The way she was crying must mean she's been here for a long time.

"A y-year f-five mouths." is all Nichole said.

I was so angry at Gaven now. He shouldn't have taken this poor girl. I wanted to kill him for what he has done. Scratch that, I wanted to overkill him like in games and stuff. I would kill him like this: I'd take a flash grenade and throw it at him then while he's down I'd shot him with a .45 hand gun in the legs and dick. :p Then I'd burn his ass with a flame thrower then I'd chop his ass up with a chainsaw and bury his body parts(now in tiny pieces) around the world 100 feet down below the surface of the ground. I know its rough, but hey Gaven deserves it for what he's done to Nichole.

"Has it only been you Nichole, or have there been other girls Gaven has taken?"

"I w-was the newest girl b-before you got here. A-all the others tried to e-escape, but they d-didn't make it. I-I think there s-so far h-has been t-twenty of-"

Before she could finish we heard a door open, then Nichole went frozen. I looked to were the sound was coming from and saw a pair of legs coming down the stairs. I couldn't tell who it was until they were right next to the cell and started talking.

"Well, well. Looks like your finally awake and it looks as though you've meant Nichole. Thats nice she'll show you the ropes of maid service, but the other parts I'll teach you." It was Gaven, and he was amused, I could tell by the sound of his voice.

I got up and ran to where Gaven was at the cell bars. I was so pissed at him, and I was going to tell him. I got to the cell bars, fast and with enough force to make Gaven back up. I smiled inside my head for that fact.

"How dare you! How dare you take this poor girl from her home! Her family! Her friends! She didn't deserve it! Your the worst kind of person in the world! If I wasn't in this cell right now I'd kill you Gaven, you hear, I'd kill you and I know exactly how I would do it too!" All Gaven did was laugh at my words, then he came to the cell bars next to my left ear.

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