Tracking Down

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Gaven's POV

I lock the door to the cell as I push Silence in. I turn around and head for the stairs. I stop mid stride when Silence speaks.

"Do you really think you will find her even when you've been looking for your brother for years? how will you, huh Gaven? If you can't even find him how will you find Jace?"

My head is bent down at this point. I hate to know she's probably right. I have been looking for Gracer for years to no avail. How would I find my mate if she was with my brother? At this point it feels impossible. But I can't just give up hope.

I raise my head without turning around and say, "No matter what stands in my way I will find her. She's my mate, my life. I will do anything to find her. I'd go to the end of the earth to do so." and with that I walked up the stairs and out of the basement.

When I reach the door to the basement and open it Jazz is waiting on the other side of the hallway.

"I heard her, Gaven. She has a point. You've been hunting him down for years and nothing. How will you find her?"

I sigh, "I don't know. I should feel her but I just can't. The only thing I have gotten to know she's alive is that message she sent me. I haven't gotten since." I sigh again.

Jazz walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, "Hey if I know you, you will find her. I have every hope that you will." he smiles and removed his hand.

"Thanks man. I needed that. Look I need to talk to my family so I'll talked to you later. Hopefully by then I will have some sort of idea to find her. Until then tell Jackson, Lucas, and the others to be ready to leave at any point. I want to leave as soon as I have a lead." I say walking in the direction of my father's office.

"Sure, no problem."


I sit in my father's office waiting for my mother and Lucy to join my father and me.

Minutes later they walk in and Lucy comes and sits on the couch next to me. I slide away from her. The only girl I want near me is Jace. Lucy eyes me and she knows why I moved. I see understanding in her eyes.

"So what's up?" my mother leads off.

"I need help. I should be able to feel Jace, but whenever I try I get nothing. I don't know what's happening." I sigh.

My mother and father look at each other and talk to each other through their own link.

After several minutes my mother says, "It's possible that your brother could be somehow blocking her from you. It would explain why he has eluded you do so long. Even though he isn't with us you still have a connection to him since he's your brother."

I grunt. I can't believe this crap!

"Your mother has a point. Gracer was always able to go around undetected when he was here. Maybe he found a way to boost that to Jace." my father says.

I close my eyes. I can't believe this shit. Why is this stuff so hard, so-

"Gaven, listen. I'm fine for now. My mothers with me. Your brother is out for now but I don't know for how long. I can't leave the basement I'm in. Its like the door is jammed shut by a five ton weight. I can't move it. I'm stuck down here with Gracer. I'm scared. My mothers here but I don't know how much she can do. I'm tired and I don't know what to do. Oh I hope you can hear me, I truly do. Please find me. I don't know how long Gracer will be out. Please hurry. I love you, and I know our child does too."

The feeling of Jace is left behind after she stopped talking. I hear Lucy talk to me. I open my eyes to see my family staring at me. I smell blood and look down at my hands. My claws came out and I griped my hands so hard that they started to bleed.

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