The Dead Aren't So Dead After All

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Jace's POV

I sit back up in my chair as straight as I could. For the past hour maybe I've been punched, kicked, slapped, and burned. Nothing hurts though. Not like my child. Oh how I worry for my child. with most pregnancy's a child would die from this kind of stuff, but the child's a Were so it should be stronger, I hope.

"You still haven't realized that anything you do, you still can't hurt me. You must be an idiot Scar Face." I say while laughing again.

"Not even the burns? Hmm, then I will do something that truly will hurt. But for now I'll let you get some rest so you're awake when you suffer." Scar Face turns towards the idiot henchmen and twirls his hand so everyone gets up and goes upstairs.

Once I hear the door slam shut I take a deep breath. I can now somewhat relax for a while. I close my eyes and start to drift off when I hear a woman's voice near me. I don't open my eyes. I try to remember when the door opened when everyone was still in here. Not once did it. So where did this woman come from?

I open my eyes and look around the room trying to find the face of the voice I heard. In the basement is a shadowy corner where no light is and from that corner I see a figure coming towards me.

"What? How can you be here? You're supposed to be dead." I look at her wide-eyed. I can't believe the site before me.

"Well that's no way to speak to your mother, Jace. How rude the years I've been gone have made you. Anyway on to other things." my mother smiles at me.

"No! I want to know how you're here and by all accounts still alive! Tell me, now!" I low scream at her, not wanting anyone down here.

My mother walks over to me and bends down in front of me. "That's a long story for another day, Jace. But I will tell you this, I had to fake my death to keep you and you're father safe. People were after me and I needed to disappear or die for them to back off."

"Why we're they after you? And how did you find me?"

"The people after me were my old pack. I ran away from them when I was 16. They never wanted me there so I left, but once they found out my real power try hunted me down trying to bring me back into the pack. And secretly I've been watching you every day since I left."

I stair at her eyes wide open, with my teeth biting my lower lip. "So you're a Werewolf? If so why wasn't I when I was born?"

My mother sighs and runs a solid hand over my knee, "Because you're father was human and because I'm also part Witch. Both those more human, non supernatural parts of your genes left out the Were, well just enough so you wouldn't turn. Not unless you were bitten," She sighs again. "I'm sorry I never told you, but it was for your own safety."

I shake my head, the things she tells me are so hard to believe, but with what I've been living with the past few week or so it's not as hard as it usually would be.

"It fine mom, I get it. You left because you wanted to keep me and dad safe. And you never told us this for the same reason. It makes perfect sense. But what I don't get is why your pack would hate you then want you to return after so many years." I say closing my eyes and sighing at the end.

"My pack, they were more outcasts, Rouges as most call them now, were weak and was always looking for more power. At first they thought a half Were hybrid was too weak and hated me for it. But when they found out I was a very strong witch and that I could transmit my witch powers to my Were half they came looking for me. They thought and still do that I can make their pack of Rouges so strong they could overtake you mates family. Which I could but I will never do, unless I was made to," my mother said standing and grabbing a chair from the table where the idiots were sitting earlier. "In fact the night of the crash some of the pack was on the plane. I had got up to get a drink while you were asleep and they came up to me. They tried to capture me, but I was and still am to strong. But their plan went wrong and a fight spread out through the plane. Some how our fight reached the cockpit and the pack members killed the pilots."

"And I was asleep the whole time? how's that even possible?" I asked interrupting her.

"Not sure. You always were a heavy sleeper. But once the pilots were killed we couldn't fly the plane and it went down. The pack members died in the crash along with everyone else. only you and I survived because on the way down in put a spell on us to be invincible. And I believe that spell is still working on you. You may be damaged but you feel no pain," she said looking up to the ceiling, listening for anything above. "I faked my death to keep the pack members away from you from then on. I thought supers would leave you alone, but I guess I was wrong," My mother said that part laughing at the irony. I laughed to.

"What about my child? Is it going to be okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Yes your child will be fine. When a Were is pregnant they can't be harmed, and even more so in your case with the spell. You have nothing to fear that way. I got stabbed when I was carrying you and nothing happened," she laughed again.

Just then we heard voices coming to the door to the basement and my mother, hurriedly, put the chair back and stepped into the shadows of the damp room, conceiling her from view.

Scar Face and his minions came down the old crumbling stairs. In Scar Face's hands were a pair of knives. In the hands of the man behind him was a... chainsaw?!?!


"Did you have a nice rest, Jace? I hope you did because you will need very bit of energy for what's to come," Scar Face laughs like a drunk on steroids. What a loon.

5 minutes later-

Scar Face is sharpening his knives. Every man in the damp room faces away from me and is laughing. I look to the shadows and see my mother peek her head out and winks at me. What the fuck is she planning? Then all of a sudden she walks out of the shadows and walks behind me and stands there.

"What are you doing?" I ask her in the lowest voice I can manage.

"Don't worry they can't see or hear me unless I let them. do you know who that man is?"

"Who Scar Face?"


"No, who?"

"His name is Gracer. He is Gaven's brother. Gracer tried to kill his dad and Gaven. He now leads a pack of Rouges. My old pack."


Gaven's brother, turned traitor, and leader of my moms old pack. What the fuck is going on?! Why out if 7 and half billion people on this plant must I be the one in this whirl pool of fuckin crazy bullshit must I be the one to be here?!

Thousands of things are going through my head, but the biggest most important one is 'Will Gaven ever be able to find me?'

"Okay time for a few little cuts. maybe a finger can come off," Gracer laughs and walks towards me with a knife.

"Don't worry. Since you have youth child and the spell you should be able to just break the blade once it touches your skin."

I smile inside at what she told me and wait for Gracer to try and hurt me once again.

Finally Gracer is about to cut a finger off when the blade touches me and it breaks in half.

The look on Gracer's face is priceless and I laugh.

"What's wrong Gracer? Finally thought you could truly hurt me? We'll your wrong. To bad," I laugh again at the site of Gracer's face once he heard me say his name. "Are you surprised I know your name, Gracer?"

"How do you know my name?" he looks at his buddies, "Did one of you slip it out?!"

"No sir!" They all say at once. Idiots.

"No it wasn't them-" I say but am cut off.

"No it was me who told her," my mother says and then Graver turns around, shocked to hear a new voice.

Gracer looks at my mother for a minute and says, "Your her mother aren't you? Rachel Johnson. The half breed from my pack."


I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update. and I'm so sorry this chapters short, but I had the idea and I needed to get it down. But I will make it longer once I finish the actual story. I plan to do so with every chapter I think needs it.

I am So Very Sorry.


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