Author's note

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Hello my fellow Watt's.

I have put this note in for all to know that once this story is finished I will be rewriting some chapter's so they can, hopefully, make more sense to all you lovely people.

I will be rewriting these chapters before i go onto my next book for this series. I have the first chapter for that one, somewhat, in my head so once I start it the first chapter should be up soon. The only thing is I can't think of a title for the new story. So if you have any ideas, please tell me on Wattpad or message me @

The book will be set off of Jace and Gaven's kid, but I don't know weither for that kid to be a boy or girl, but I'm leaning towards a boy. I plan to have more supernatural creature's in the next one for sure, but I don't know yet weither the mate should be human or another super. Although I want to put in Angel's in my next story and I want your opinions on the matter.

Oh also do you think I should put in any Witch's to help Gaven, Jackson, and Jazz get Jace back? Or any other supers to help? I want this part of the story to be a little more dramatic in a sense. And do not worry I don't plan to have the book end right after they find and rescue Jace. I want it to go on, hopefully, until Jace is almost, or, just giving birth to their child. 

If you have any questions and/or criticism, please I welcome it. That way I can try to make these stories better for you all to read.

Oh I found Bruiser a few days ago and I hope to update on that as soon as humanly possible. Promise.

Oaklandgirl    :)

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