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Jace's POV

Our first meal was a steak with corn on the cob and salad. Everything I ate was amazing. Although I didn't know how I would get through the rest of dinner since I was already full. I finished what I could and put my silverware down.

I looked at Gaven to see him still eating. By this time we were on course three. Man these Werewolves can eat.

"Gaven, can I ask you something?" I said cowering my face from the other people at the table.

"Sure. What do you want to know?" He said putting his fork down.

"Why is everyone looking at me odd?"

"Can we talk about this in a while? My dad is going to talk." Gaven said looking to his father. I did the same.

"Dear friends. I'm glad that you are all here tonight. Its a very special event at this dinner. I know you have all looking at miss Jace and wondering who she is and I'd like my son Gaven to tell you." The king paused and looked at Gaven who smiled in return. "If you please."

Gaven got up from his chair and put his hand out for me. I took it and he pulled me up to stand next to him.

"Ladies and gentleman I'd like you all to meet Jace, my mate." At his words everyone stood up and cheered for us. Everyone was so happy, but I saw Jasmine, who had a scowl on her face. I wonder why? "Thank you."


When dinner was done, everyone went to the ballroom. Now there weren't many people at the dinner, but there were a few dozen people dancing around. I now see why Lucy decked me out so much.

Gaven lead me to the dance floor. A slow-paced song played and we started to dance. We moved in unison. And when people started to see us dancing, they all stopped and backed away giving us room. They watched with happiness on their face's. I blushed as everyone looked on, so I buried my face in Gaven's chest.

Chuckling, "You okay Jace?" Gaven said to me.

I turned my face up to see him looking at me. "Everyones looking at us. Its freaking me out a little."

"Theres no need for that. Everyone just is happy that they get to see their future king and queen, if you want to be, being so close and having a nice time together."

"Oh, okay." I said back to him putting my face back into his chest.

When the song ended me and Gaven pulled apart, something I didn't want, and everyone including us clapped at each other. I really never knew I could dance so formal before.

Gaven took my hand and pulled me out if the ballroom, all eyes on us for a minute.

He took me back to my room, which I thought was odd.

"Why are you taking me to my room, Gaven?"

"I figured that you have a big day tomorrow with Nichole that you would want to get some sleep." He said as we got to my room door.

"Alright, but first this." I quickly lifted myself by my toes and kissed him lightly on the lips. I pulled away from him to see his face covered in shock. I giggled then said, "Thats only for the dinner and dance. Nothing more, got it?"

Gaven coughed to clear his throat. "Okay. But still thank you."

I opened my door and ran inside, turned around and said good night to Gaven, then closed the door.

I turned and put my back to the door. I slid down and put my lips to my mouth. I smiled and knew what I did just shocked myself, not just Gaven.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and make-up. I then got into the shower for the second time for today and washed off whatever make-up was left. Now I remember why I don't wear stuff like this.

When I got out I put clothes on and went to sleep.


I woke up screaming in pain. Every muscle, nerve, bone was filled with pain. I didn't know what was going on. 'Could it be that I'm changing already?' I thought about it and it had to be true. Gaven did say some people go through 'dealth like pain' when they change.

After a few minutes of screaming my head off, Gaven flew into my room. He practically broke the door right off its hinges.

"Jace whats wrong?" He asked but I couldn't speak, everything hurt to much. "Are you changing?" I nodded my head and tried to shrug my shoulders as a maybe.

Gaven then rapped his arms around me, and to my surprise the pain eased greatly.

"Thank you, Gaven." I said, my voice still laced with pain.

"For what?" Is all he said.

"I don't know why but you hugging me has made the pain go down. But it is still there, just not as bad."

"Thats odd. I've never heard of a mate being able to ease their loves' pain. I guess your day with Nichole is out of the question?"

"Yeah, it is. Umm Gaven could you stay here with me, until the pain is gone?" I asked whispering and with a blush forming on my face.

"Sure, but that could take days. Are you sure you want me to be around for so long?" All I did was nod. "Every well then."

I needed Gaven right now. He eased the pain from changing, but he made me feel safe and I loved him for it. And now I have to tell him that.


"Yes Jace?"

I gulped down my embarrassment and spoke, "I love you."

I looked up to Gaven who had shock written all over his face. It was shock of my words but something else too. I looked to my hands that were on his chest only to see white paws instead.

I jumped back to the floor and walked over to the floor to celling mirror. All I saw was me as a wolf, and I was huge.

I had pure snow white fur except for one paw that was black. I was amazingly awesome looking.

"Jace you look beautiful." I turned around to see Gaven standing next to the bed. All this time and I didn't even notice he had no shirt on.

I sat down and hid my face behind my leg. After a minute Gaven came up to me and touched me. All I could feel was amazing pleasure. The tingles felt so right.

I moved my face away from my hand to see my normal arm back. Then I looked to Gaven and noticed him only looking near my face.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"You lost your clothes when you changed." I looked down at my ass and he was right. But for some reason I didn't care if I was naked around Gaven. Maybe its because he's already seen me naked or because I just don't care. I sat up on my ass to face him. He was still looking away.

"Gaven its fine to look at me, I don't care." I said trying to talk, but it was hard with his hand still on my arm.

He looked a second later with happiness in his face. "Did you mean it when you said you loved me, Jace?" I nodded my head and saw Gaven with the biggest smile on his face. I couldn't help but want to touch those lips of his, so thats exactly what I did. I kissed Gaven and I could feel the shock of pleasure and wow from Gaven. It took him a minute but he finally took over the kiss. And it was amazing.

He broke off, "Jace you really do some messed up stuff to me, you know that?" I nodded my head and Gaven crashed his lips to mine again.

"Gaven?" All I could hear was a 'humm'. "Please rape me again."



I hope you liked it. I know its short, but I had to get something in for you.

I will be studying for some time so after this no no more chapter for a while. I need to finish my online course in the next few days so I can get my half-credit for high school.

I'm sorry, but it has to be done.



Oh p.s I will be making a sequel to this story. I don't know if it will be Jace's and Gaven's POV again or if I should make it about their kid.

Alright I'm done

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