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Somewhat edited

Jace's POV

My dad always said to take my partying down a notch, but I never listened, I should have though.

I was out on the town with my besty Nela. We just left a party a classmate was throwing, and Nela and I were walking down- I think it was Mercury Street. We were talking about normal things high school girls would talk about, when I noticed the time on a sign outside of a shop. I started freaking because I knew my dad would be home soon and he always checked my room to make sure I was there. I couldn't risk being grounded again, not at this time of year, in the winter. I told Nela I had to get home NOW and ran off. Although Nela lives with me and my dad, my dad doesn't care about her being out late. Nela isn't his daughter.

Running down the street I noticed an ally which I knew was a short-cut back to my house. I ran down it but bumped into a guy walking the opposite way I was running. I fell on my ass and grunted from the pain. The guy bent over and asked if I was okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have to get home."

I looked up to see the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life. The most bluest eyes ever and jet black hair, but I couldn't see past that. The lines of his face moved so I guess he had smiled at me.

"At least your okay. That's what matters," the stranger said to me. What an amazing voice. It alone made me shiver.

He smiled again and moved aside for me to go home. I started walking again but before I could get anywhere the hunk of a man grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I landed on his chest- his rock hard chest, then he grabbed my ass and before I knew it he was kissing me. The kiss was amazing and it felt so natural. He pulled his hand up to my face, then he cut off the kiss. I was breathless and in shock, but then he put his hand on my mouth and I started getting dizzy. I started to get groggy and then nothing, nothing at all.


I woke up about an hour later, but who knows, I could have been asleep for days. When I woke up my head was pounding and it was dark where ever I was. I listened for a minute and realized I was in the back seat of a pick up truck.

I turned around to see the front seats of the truck. The guy from the ally was driving. I remembered the kiss he gave me and I could feel my cheeks heating up. Oh come on Jace pull it together. I lightly slapped myself so the guy driving didn't know that I had woken up. It didn't work.

"Well your finally up, good. You know you talk in your sleep right?" then he laughed.

"Where am I? Who are you and why did you make me fall asleep?" I had to ask even though my head was still spinning and hurting.

"I'm Gaven. Your in my truck heading for my home off the coast of what ever state we're in. And I put you to sleep to kidnap you." I saw him grinning when we pasted under a highway street lamp.

Wait, what? Did he just tell me he kidnapped me? No Fucking Way! If I ever get home my dad will kill me rather then being happy that his only child just came home from being fucking kidnapped.

Why me of all people? There are girls in my town more pretty to kidnap, so why me?" Damn this sucks. Wait, shouldn't I be freaking out that I was just taken away by a guy I had no idea of whom he was but for his name? What was his name again, that's right Gaven. Just thinking about his name made me shiver, and the kiss, damn.

"Why did you take me? I mean there's so many other girls better looking then me in my town." I said now a little worried since I just looked out the window of the truck. I knew landscape well around my town, at least a good hundred miles from town. But this was all different from what I knew.

"I took you because you were easy pray. That and you look like a nice piece of ass." Gaven laughed again.

"Pervert. I hate people like you," I sighed, "Look are you going to kill me? And if you are, just do what you want with me and get it over with." I knew fighting him would be useless so I didn't even try.

Gaven stopped the truck under a street light then he turned around to face me. I still couldn't see his face since the light was behind his head masking his face in darkness but he only looked to be a year or two older than me. "Look, if I wanted to kill you I would have done my business with you in the ally and killed you there. I'm not going to kill you, alright?" I nodded. "Good. Now try to get some more sleep. I won't try anything and yes you are completely safe with me, for now." the last words were almost non-audioible

"No thanks, I got enough sleep because of you. Thanks by the way. No I'd rather stay awake, but can you put some music on or something so its not so damn quiet? If you don't mind?"

Chuckling. "Sure thing. It is to quiet in here. By the way whats your name, lavender?"

Lavender? What's his problem? Eh, maybe he can smell my perfume.

"Name's Jace. Now put some tunes on, Gaven right?" I did that just for show. I could care less about his name, even though when I thought it or said it, it made me shiver. Although when I looked at him I saw him grip the wheel really hard. Was it something I said? Eh, who cares.

He put the music on and we drove in the truck in silence for hours.

After a hour or two Gaven stopped. I looked out the window to see a gas station.

"I'll be back in a minute. Just need some gas. Don't try anything, or else. Well you could try but it wouldn't get you anywhere. It's passed four in the morning so no ones out. Just stay here and be quite. K?"

"Yeah. I understand." I sighed as Gaven left the truck to go into the station. Even though I said I understood, I still tried to open the door. Which was no use, he put the child safety locks on. Damn. I sighed again while I noticed Gaven looking at me while coming out the door.

Even though I still could hardly see him, I saw his frame and damn was he built. Giant shoulders, thick arms, long lean, but built, legs. Stop it Jace, he kidnapped you, you shouldn't even care about this stuff.

Gaven pumped the gas and came back to the driver door. After he opened it he looked at me and smiled. I turned my head away. Although I noticed from the corner of my eye that he was changing his shirt. I couldn't not look at his chest, and his 8 pack. Damn.

I guess Gaven saw me because he said, "Like what you see, Jace? Cause I got more where that came from." he chuckled again and put his other shirt on. Once he was done he got in the truck and gave me a snack and a drink then we drove off again. I didn't go for the drink cause I knew at some point I'd need to go, and I wasn't having that. I did eat the candy bar he gave me. Mmm, chocolate and carmel, yummy.

After a hour or two I got tired again and fell asleep.

I dreamed of what Gaven and I talked about. And in my dreams I could still hear the music. I guess I wasn't in a very deep sleep. All I could hear before I fell into a deeper sleep though was the sound of Korn playing one of my favorite songs called Get Up with Skrillex as their techno backup. Nice, what a classic.


I hope this chapter was long enough for you guys. I know not a lot happened in this one, but I hope to kick things up a little bit in the next few chapters. I hope you like it. :p

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I dedicate this chapter to my first 4 followers. Thanks for following from pretty much the very beginning. (:

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