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Gaven's POV

Jace got up and ran to her bathroom. She slammed the door and locked it. I heard her slip down the door and then she started crying really hard. I knocked on the door.

"Lavender, are you okay?" I sounded really worried. Thats new for me. I never worry about anything.

"Just leave me alone! I don't want to see your ugly face again for as long as I live!" I was hurt by her words. I cringed at her heart breaking.

What have I done?

I walked away from the bathroom door and got dressed. I wanted to walk back to Jace's bathroom door but decided not to. I walked to the bedroom door, opened it, closed then locked it. I didn't want to lock her door, but I didn't want her to try and leave me either.

I started walking down the hallway with my head low, when I heard footsteps coming my way. I looked up to see my mother with headphones in her ears.

My mother may be over two hundred years old but she acts like a twenty-one year old party girl. She's 5'8, has full white eye's(no she's not blind) has silver hair all the way down to her waist, like Jace but Jace has a mix of blond and dark brown hair under the blond parts, and has a faint scar on her forehead.

She didn't see me until I was right next to her. "Oh, hi honey. What's wrong? You look depressed."

"Nothings wrong mother, I was just thinking." I smiled at my mother, who in return smiled back. I always feel better when I see her smile. Now I'm not a momma's boy or anything, just to let you know. But she's always been there for me when I needed her most.

"Now Gaven I know when your sad. And you are. So whats wrong?" I could never hide things from my mother.

I tilted my head back down and said, "I found my mate. And I did something bad to her." My mother looked shocked to hear my words, but I don't know which part she was shocked about.

"That's great, Gaven. But what did you do to her?" Now she looked pissed. Fuck!

"I marked her and had sex with her, but she didn't want to. I rapped her, mother. I hate myself for it. And she's so sad. She told me she hated me and never wanted to see me again, and I understand why."

My mother put her hands over her mouth. I knew what she was thinking, and I would never hear the end if it. I cringed waiting for the yelling to start. It never came.

"I get that you wanted to be with her Gaven, but you should never have done that. You may have marked her, among other things, but it doesn't truly count as part of the mating ritual. Both people must want to mate. If she is truly your one and only mate you must try to apologize and make it up to her. If not you may never have the chance to be with her."

I nodded at her words. I fully understood what she told me. And I plan to make it up to my mate. But I know it will be hard.

I smiled at my mother and ran down the hall. I wanted to start to make it up to her now. Starting with her friend, Nichole. I just hope this works a little bit.

Before going to Nichole's cell, I tracked down a maid and told her to go and put new sheets on my mate's bed.


I opened the door to the cellar and walked down to the cell where Nichole was being held. She was asleep when I got to the cell door.

I unlocked the door and walked into the cell to wake Nichole. I put my hand on her arm and shook her to awake her.

She woke up and screamed when she saw me. I don't blame her though. I know what I did to her, and I hate that now.

"Hey, hey its fine. You don't have to worry. I won't hurt you anymore. I promise."

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