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Gaven's POV

"Jasmine! What the fuck are you doing in here?!" I yelled as she got up from my bed.

"Well I came to see you silly. Why else would I be here." She said walking up to me.

"You know its forbidden for you to be in here without my permission first. I should have you thrown in the cells for this." I said to Jasmine while putting my hand up to stop her from coming any closer.

"I know you wouldn't do that to me. I know you love me, Gaven. Why don't you just accept it."

"I won't do that only because your my father's best friends daughter. I don't love you and you should accept that. Now get out, Jasmine." I pointed toward the door, but Jasmine walked further into my room. Fuck!

"Don't be like that, Gaven. Either way I know you love me." Man this girl is clueless. A real air head of the race.

"Get this through your thick skull! I. Don't. Love. You. I will never love you, Jasmine. Besides I have found my mate, and its not you." I said with a smile on my face from thinking of Jace.

"WHAT!" Jasmine's face was priceless. The look of shock made me laugh inside my head. Hopefully this will get her and her friends off my back. "Who is she? Whats her name? I want to know!"

"You have no authority for asking who the future queen is. Anyways you and everyone else will meet her tomorrow at the dinner. Now get out of my room!" I yelled at her. Thankfully she knows when to listen to her future king. But I know the only reason she is after me is so she can become the next queen.

Jasmine walked out of my room, thank the Watcher. I then called for Lucy, my sister to come to my room. I needed to talk to her about tomorrow. I didn't want her telling my mate curtain things and what to tell her. About ten minutes later there was a knock at my door.

"Come in, Lucy." I called for her.

"Hi, big bro. What you need thats so important?"

Here we go. "Alright you've heard about my mate right?" She nodded. "Good because you are the one who will be helping her to get ready for tomorrows dinner."

"Oh cool. I've been wanting to meet Jace since I heard about her from mother." Lucy had the biggest smile on her face. I don't think I have ever seen her with one that big before.

"And that means you will have to talk to her. That also means you have to tell her about Jasmine and the Highers for me. Also you can't tell her about Those curtain things. You got me?"

"Yeah I got it. I figured I would leave that shit to you to tell her." She sighed. "Anything else?"

"Nah. Thats it."

"Sweet, cause I have to go follow Jasmine and her groupies around to make sure they don't get in trouble. I hate this job. Oh, since I'm doing this for you can you ask father to get a regular guard on watch duty?"

"Sure, Luc. No prob."

"Thanks big bro." And with that Lucy was gone. She really is a odd one.

Through the whole conversation with Lucy I was at the window. So I decided to take a shower.

While in the shower I started thinking about Jace. At first it was merrily about her talking with me, and the next she was naked begging for me to go to her. I got hard from just thinking about that.

I slapped my face and finished my shower.

When I got out of the shower I walked to my closet and got dressed in clean clothes. I finished getting dressed and walked out of my room.

While going down the hallway I ran into a few maids cleaning. Usually I don't say 'Hello' or 'Hi' but today I was feeling different. So I said 'Hello' to each person I passed. I knew they would be looking at my back like I was crazy or thinking 'what happened to the prince?' I didn't care though.

Now my home is rather large since its a castle and I know I've lived here my Whole life, but sometimes I still get lost, even going to the kitchen. Man thats sad. And yet Jace was able to get back to her room without even thinking about if she was going the wrong way. I have a feeling she will become a great tracking Wolf if she wanted to.

When I finally made it to the kitchen, I ran into my mother. Like usual when cooking she was wearing those headphones listening to music. Leave it to my mother, a two hundred and some year old Werewolf to be a music nut. I shrugged my shoulders and walked up to her.

"Whats up mom?" I must have startled her cause she jumped like a mexican jumping bean. You'd think since she's a Werewolf that she could notice anyone around her because of her sense of smell, but nope.

"God Gaven, you really scared me. Don't do that again."

"Sorry mom. I didn't mean it."

"Its fine honey. As long as you didn't kill me." My mother, ladies and gentlemen.

"I don't think I could if I tried. Even if you weren't my mother. You have one of the strongest hearts I've ever seen."

"Well thanks. Oh by the way did you get lost again looking for this place again?" My mother said smiling.

I grumbled and put my head down in defeat. In doing so I heard my mother start laughing.

"Oh come on mom you know its not funny." From listening to my mothers laughing and knowing how stupid I am for always getting lost, I started to laugh too.

Once we stopped, we finished talking and I started to help her cook. Thankfully with the years I've been alive and how much my mother likes to cook and bake, I've gotten pretty good at it myself.

"You know, you should make Jace a good breakfast tomorrow morning."

I thought about it for a minute, "Thats not a bad idea mom. I might just do that."

I finished helping and noticed how late it was. I left the kitchen and went back to my room to sleep. If I was getting up early tomorrow then I'll need my sleep.

I got to my room, put on some sweats, took off my shirt and went to sleep.

While sleeping I got the same dream from last night popped into my head. The clearing, the girl, everything the same as before.

What does this mean?


So what ya think?

Sorry it wasn't Jace's POV, I just wanted to finish with Gaven.

Please comment. Vote. Fan, whatever.



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