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Gaven's POV

<I've had this dream only once and that was after I found Jace, but now it was different. It was day time and I found myself in front of a woman, the same one as before. I didn't know what she looked like because it looked as if a black smoke was surrounding her.

I put out my hand to her, but she was unable to reach me. Soon she had given up. When she had she her head down and in that moment the smoke dissipated from around her. And in that moment I knew who she was.

I bent down and went to grab her chin. She backed her head away, just a little, from surprise. I grabbed her chin and raised her head to face me. Once she saw me she smiled and hugged me. During this hug I had recalled the events from the real world. I had pulled apart from her and said, "Jace I promise you I will find you and once I do no one will ever hurt you again. I will find you and keep you safe, I promise my love.">

Thats all I said before I woke up.

Walking out of the water I turn around to see Jace following behind. If I thought she was hot before, I was wrong. Seeing Jace walking out of the water, dripping wet and with the sun beating down on her she looked like the depiction of the Werewolf Goddess Navan Olear.

Navan is a beautiful Werewolf who was once truly alive. She was the the first Werewolf of all, and the strongest ever own on earth. The depiction of her doesn't do her much justice, but right here and now my mate, my Jace is the most beautiful person on this planet.

Smiling I start to walk over to her when I look at the animals who were playing just a minute ago. One by one they put their heads up, listened, than ran for their lives. I turn and listen myself, but I was to late. Before I knew it I was hit over the head. After I hit the ground I could barley make out a thing, but I was able to find Jace running away from three somethings that were chasing her. I tried to get up, but to no avail. The last thing I could see before I pasted-out was seeing Jace asleep and being carried away.


When I woke up I was alone, head screaming, eyes burning, but at least it was quiet for a moment.

When I started to get up I remembered everything that happened before I pasted-out. Jace running, her over someones shoulder,asleep, and her being hauled away from me, and I could do nothing about it. I punched the ground in anger because of that fact.

I then stood up, a little wavy, when my family among other Werewolves showed up. Among them were Nichole, Jackson, my best friend and future advisor, Lucy, my mother and father, Lukas and Halo, my father's best fighters and guards among the army regiments, Cress and Toula, my mother's best friends and top cooks in the castle, Josh and Brawl (yes his name is Brawl. His parents are Huge Transformers fans) who are my two best fighters, and many more people who came to see what happened.

Jazz, (no relation to Transformers) my trusted left hand, came up to me and asked what happened. I explained what happened to everyone who was there. My mother, Lucy, and Nichole were shocked and sad. My father, Jackson, and Jazz, among the rest of the guys got angry. Then my father started shouting orders.

"Dad stop. I already know what to do and I only want Jackson and Jazz to help me find her. No one else. Understand?" My father nodded and then we all went back to the castle.


In my room Jackson, Jazz and I were talking.

"So why did you only want us to help you Gaven?" Jazz asked.

"Yeah Gaven why the hell did you stop your father from helping?" This time it was Jackson.

"Look I know what I'm doing. Ever since the Rouges attacked I've been thinking. Only people who saw Jace or who I told knew about Jace. One of those people told the Rouges and had them come here. I know you two are loyal to my father and are my best friends, so I know you didn't do it."

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