1.Grammy's night

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Author's note:

Hi everyone! Welcome to my story :) I hope you'll like it!! I just wanna share this story with you guys! See you soon :)

I am nervous, I don't understand how I could accept this. Was it time to take it back? I asked myself while I was at the backstage waiting for my turn to go on stage. It is the night of the Grammys and as it has been happening for several years I have been asked to perform tonight. I accepted delighted, I was coming to the awards anyway and algo I have the opportunity to sing to everyone, and that's always satisfying. This time I wanted to do something different from previous years, that's why I'm going to sing this damn song tonight. From the momento my fans knew that I was going to sing tonight they have been asking me to sing a particular song. I do not hate this song because at the end of the day I wrote it. It's just giving me so many feelings. Someone might say that after several months singing it in every show I should be more than used to sing this song but it always bring me so many memories, it still get to my skin.

I have to admit that it is not only the song but what I have to expect after that. I have four albums in the market and the most of the press and criticism had been made fun of me, they always want to know about for who is each song. I don't understand how that can be more importante than what I write or music. Why do I have to be judge by a guy who dated me? The press often use me for their jokes and I don't get used to that. This album was composed after the worst break up I've been through. It's true, but that's not the important thing. The important is what the music means, I just want to value that. Not to mention that I hope I won't play the wrong notes in the piano or my voice because then, it will be another reason for the press to tease me again.

They have already donde it, in fact I won a Grammy for a song I wrote after a critic said I wasn't good at singing after a performance at the Grammys. Ironic, right? All these reasons were why I was so nervous. I wanted to run away. Perform always make me a little nervous, it was normal, you go out and you left your heart singing in front of everyone but on a concert it was different. People came to see you because they wanted and that give me confident. I had 50.000 people at each concert, waiting for me, watching every move I made but it wasn't hard intimacy than this. I was alone waiting my time to get to the stage. I had left Selena and Ed in our seats at the front row to go to change my dress for the performance and now I was waiting. With each minute passing I was even more nervous and my thoughts were more focuses on run away. Deep down I knew that I couldn't leave because it would ruin the show and especially, everyone would wonder what was happening with me. I was sure that Tree, my rep and publicist, could fix it the next day. She was the best at her job, that was the reason why I hire her. I could say that I had been suddenly ill or something like that. It was a lie but was better than confess that I was having a panic attach before the performance.

Before I could regret it I turned and run. I shake my head and started walking looking at the floor. I was trying to not be recognize because I didn't want to be stopped. I couldn't breathe I needed to get out of there I needed air. I increased the speed of my steps but I wasn't looking ahead. My eyes were at the floor. I couldn't see in front of my nose and that was what led me to suddenly crash into someone.

-Oh god I'm sorry, I hadn't seen you- said a female voice as I regained my balance.

-It's nothing, it's my fault I was looking I was distracted- I apologized because it was the truth.

-Are you alright?- a tall girl with a short brunette hair asked me, she was wearing a white long dress which showed her good figure.

-Yeah... of course- I said doubtful, I was not ready for anyone to know I was running.

-Sure? Because you're really pale- she said examining my face, I realized that she had green eyes and she was really beautiful.

-I...- my nerves were growing even more because I couldn't get out and my knees failed.

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