Out of limits

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The night was simple. I stayed for the night at Karlie's house and we watched a movie after dinner. Nothing happened between us more than a few kisses. Karlie had promised me go slowly and I knew that meant we would go at the rhythm that my heart marked and not hers. I didn't think it was fair but I was grateful because I was intimidated by the fact of knowing that she had experienced with girls and I hadn't had. It was not the first time we slept in the same bed but this time was different. When Karlie slept over at my house she always slept in the guest room. The last time we had slept together was on the road trip along the coast and now it seemed a long time ago. Karlie borrowed me some pajamas and I followed her to her room. Karlie took my hand affectionately and lay down on the bed beside me. I turned to look at her and she smiled before approaching for a quick kiss.

-My flight is really early morning- she told me brining me back to reality.

-When will you be back?- I asked sighing.

-If all goes well in four days, if the photo shoot is complicated because it's outside in five days- Karlie explained.

-I don't want you to go- I admitted- it seems unfair, now that we were beginning to figure us out you have to go.

-It is just for a few days and when I return we will have time to figure us out- she said lovingly.

-Okay- I accepted.

-You can stay here sleeping until you want, when you'll go there a spare key in the kitchen- she explained.

-I can get up to say goodbye and then go- I suggested.

-Although I would love that I know that you will not wake up so early Tay- she said laughing- but it's okay, I prefer you to rest, okay?

It was always surprising for me that Karlie put me first in her life, I didn't know in at the time that in the future we will switch places. Karlie turn off the light after placing her alarm and put her arm around me to sleep. I was tense at first but quickly I relaxed, I was safe again. I immediately fell exhausted on the bed. I didn't know it would be the first of many nights in her arms. When I woke up next morning the bed was empty, Karlie was gone. The model was right and I didn't wake up to say goodbye to her. I got up and dressed before I use my loneliness at her house to gossip the apartment. I had been there other times but now it was different. I couldn't help but smile when I saw that Karlie had our picture in her room. In my apartment there were polaroids and photos in severals walls but it touched my heart that Karlie had that in the room. I picked up the spare key from the kitchen and I found a note on the fridge.

'I will be back soon! You'll no have time to miss me! I slept better than ever last night! I hope you know that you are the responsible for that Swift! XOXO'

Everything that Karlie did was a lovely gesture after another. I took the note and keep it in my purse before I left the model's apartment. Maybe I could use those days to clear my life and compose a little for the new album. In Nashville, my desire to compose had grown. It used to happen a lot when I had too many feelings inside and needed to get them out but the presence of my parents, for the first time stopped me for composing freely. But now I was in my apartment alone with Meredith and my particular studio. When I focused on my music I lost track of time so I didn't realize how the lunch time had passed, or how my phone had buzzed with a text from Karlie telling me she was safe and sound in London. I just came back to reality when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and found there my friend Ella, better know for the rest of the world as Lorde.

-I can't believe is you- I said hugging her strongly.

-I asked your security to help pe give you a little surprise- she told me smiling- it was long ago since the last time we saw each other.

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