40. Fights and flights

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It had been almost a week since Karlie left New York to go to Paris Fashion Week. She had to go a couple of days before the shows started because she had fittings and some things to do in the city. I was alone in New York. I loved that city too much but now, when Karlie was gone nothing felt the same anymore. The model was having a hard time in Paris. She told me that the rumors where something she had to deal everyday because a lot of people made her questions and she didn't know how to answer to them, not just only for being with a girl but for the fact that she knew I never confirm or denied my relationship. It broke my heard one of the first time when she started to cry on the phone. I couldn't wait for her to return and officially move to the apartment where I could hold her and tell her everything would be okay.

I decided to go to LA two days earlier than I had planned. Ed was in town because after he and Selena spent a few days in New York he decided to go with her back to LA for a break and I was pretty sure my brother was dying to have an excuse for running away from college and be with Ella so I invited them to be with me in LA with me. We were out for lunch in the outskirts of the city, it was fun going to different places every time we met. By the time we were done eating paparazzis had found us and were waiting in the front door, so we decided to go back to my house at the beach and spent the rest of the day there.

-I'm going to look for the cats because I have to feed them- I said as soon as I opened the door.

-Okay- Selena said smiling.

-Make yourself comfortable you know you're at home-I reminded them and left them there.

I knew where the cats would be, when they didn't come to welcome me at the door it was because they were in my bedroom. Meredith loved to lie down on Karlie's side while Olivia was on my pillow every time. One of my cats was a gift from Karlie and the other one loved Karlie more than me so it was inevitable for me to think about the model. I pet them and they followed me to the kitchen where I filled their feeders. I made sure that they had water too and returned to the main living room where all my friends where. They were couples so the reminder of my girlfriend was still with me. I entered the room sighing and everybody shut up and looked straight to me.

-What happens?- I asked when I saw everybody staring at me.

-Nothing- Selena quickly replied.

-Sure?- I asked again.

-Yeah everything is fine- Ed replied quickly.

-Have you talked with Karlie recently?- Selena asked looking nervous.

-A couple of hours ago I think, it's complicated with the time zones- I answered shrugging.

-Are you guys okay?- Austin asked crossing his arms.

-Yeah we miss each other but it's normal-I said but everybody kept looking at me -wait what is happening here?

-Nothing- Ed said turning around.

-You are all staring at me with sad eyes- I protested and they looked away.

-You are over reacting- Ella said with a fake half smile.

-You guys know something that I don't know right?- I asked, that situation was too weird.

-Maybe you should call Karlie again?- Selena said approaching me.

-Wait what?-I asked confused and then worried -is she okay?- I asked but they didn't answer me -really guys what is happening? Is she okay? Something happened?

-Taylor- Austin said trying to calm me when I picked my phone to call her.

-She's not answering her phone- I said impatient hearing the tones on the speaker.

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