19. Birthday

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-Oh my god- Kimby was the one who had entered the room and saw us kissing.

-Shit- Karlie said stepping aside from me.

-You... Taylor and you... you...- Kimby said trying to take it.

-I have an explanation- Karlie said quickly and I looked at her trying to figure out whether the model was about to tell the truth or about to lie to her family again.

-Go on- her sister said.

-Right, Karlie go on- I said still curious for her reply, I saw her nerves because her hands were shaking.

-I...- Karlie looked at me completely lost, sighed and looked at her sister- Taylor and I are dating.

-Oh my god- she said locking the door of my room- since when are you two dating?

-Babe? Do you remember exactly?- the model asked me.

-Babe?- Kimby asked laughing.

-A couple of months- I replied still surprised that Karlie had told the truth.

-So... you broke up with Josh to be with Taylor- Kimby said connecting the dots.

-Something like that- Karlie said ducking her head, she had told the truth about us but she wouldn't tell about Josh yet.

-Oh my god, my sister and Taylor Swift are dating- Kimby said sitting on the bed with us.

-It's just Taylor- Karlie corrected her and I appreciated the gesture.

-I can't believe it- she said.

-Kimby you can't tell anyone- the model asked holding her hand- not even mom or dad or our sisters.

-Why?- she asked blankly.

-It's complicated- Karlie said looking at me but this time I was the one who looked away- I want to be the one who tell them when the time is right please don't tell anybody.

-Okay, don't worry- Kimby accepted- did anyone know at the party?

-Only some Taylor's friends like Ed or Selena- the model answered.

-I have to admit that yesterday I thought you were the best friend in the world because you throw this party with all her friends and the cake and you spending it with us- Kimby said talking to me- but now I understand better.

-Taylor is my girl but also my best friend- I never get tired of hearing these words from Karlie's mouth- and I discovered that you helped with this little surprise party.

-Don't take her credit off- Kimby said pointing at me- I just help to bring you here.

-Traitor- Karlie joked.

-Come on Karlie, not everyday Taylor Swift asked for your help- Kimby admitted blushing.

-Just Taylor- I laughed.

-I know, I know, just Taylor- Kimby said smiling- you got yourself a good one big sis.

-I can't complain- Karlie said grabbing my hand.

-Kimby please..

-I know, I won't say anything, I promise, like that time we escaped to...

-Enough Kimby- Karlie interrupter her.

-Hey I wanted to hear that story- I protested.

-At another time- Karlie said smiling- now we should go back downstairs before someone else come looking for us.

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