21. Tree

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The truth was that things had been a little tense with my brother since our conversation on the plane. I understood that he cared about me but he needed to understand that it was my decision and he had to accept it. I had been two days in the city and I had not yet spoken to my parents about Karlie. Do they react like Austin? I did not want that, I just wanted to share my life with them and not be judged.

The young model was those days in Florida for a shoot of a famous brand. I missed her and it had only been two days. I had decided not to leave Nashville until I spoke with my parents so that evening I took advantage when I knew that my father was buying somethings on the city to go to find my mother. Perhaps it would be easier if I first spoke with her and then with my father.

-Mom, can we talk?- I asked sitting in the kitchen.

-Sure- my mother accepted while she was cooking.

-I have something to tell you- I confessed.

-Go ahead- she said looking at me for the first time.

-I...- I tried to said nervous and no words came out of my mouth- okay I'm nervous.

-Why are you like that?- my mother asked curious.

-I'm dating someone- I finally said without thinking.

-I'll save you the hard time Taylor- my mother said seriously- I know about Karlie and you dating.

-Oh god- I exclaimed surprised- how do you know?

-I know you, you are my daughter and you are pretty obvious when you are in love- she scoffed laughing.

-Since when do you know?- I asked, how long had I lied to my mother and she knew it?

-I noticed the change since you met Karlie and all of that you moving to New York... knowing that she lives there... it was suspicious- she explained- but then your father and I went to visit and saw that you could not hold your smile with her in the dinner- I remembered that at that time I though I was being a very good actress- you were a sixteen years old teenager in love Taylor.

-I can't believe you realized at that dinner- I sighed.

-Besides... your excuses to be alone with her were a little bad Taylor- she mocked again.

-I thought we were being good actresses- I protested.

-If it consoles you... I think your father doesn't know- my mother said- or you are a good actress or he is too innocent.

-Mom there's another thing I have to tell you- I said changing the subject, I will talk with my father later when he returned.

-What happen?- my mother asked worried.

-Karlie is very important to me, I haven't felt this way about anyone but you know what is like to date me... you've seen the press destroying every relationship that I had had with guys and I don't think that a girl with help with it- I didn't want to tell my mother that the idea of hidden was mainly for Karlie... I wanted that she continued seeing my girl like before- besides right now it could also harm Karlie's career so we have decided that our relationship is not going to be public the next months, only friends and family know.

-Are you sure about that?- my mother asked.

-Yes mom, Karlie is worth it- I answered, that was the only answer whenever I asked the same to myself.

-She's a great girl Taylor- Andrea admitted.

-Don't you care that she's a girl?- I asked again nervous, that was my deepest fear of all.

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